I recently noticed a few videos where people were playing in third person, which kind of surprised me. Now, in Bethesda's previous game, Skyrim, I would be in third person most of the time except for specific situations like archery and some spell casting. I'm a console player. I had become pretty good at switching from third to first and vice versa without thinking about it. I prefered third for melee as I didn't like the lack of peripheral vision first person offers.
For Fallout 4, I tried third person but I just can't do it. I'm always in first person mode as I find it easier to aim (First Person Shooter, duh). At least with the voiced protagonist we get to see our character once in a while I guess during dialogues, so that's a plus as I like to spend time creating and "dressing up" my characters.
So I'm just wondering if people that frequent the forum play in third, first person, or both (switch-hitter to keep the baseball theme going), and if the platform they're playing on has any impact on that choice.
Discuss why you prefer one over the other.