As the title suggests, this thread is about your character's body being viewable in the first person mode. This was lacking in earlier TES games, for technical reasons, but honestly should have been in Oblivion (and Fallout 3). There have been a few attempts to remedy this in Oblivion, but no fully working product was ever achieved. With an entire new game in the Elder Scrolls series, a new start, and a new engine, this is something that needs to be in there.
This feature is a pretty big immersion factor as well as being imperative for functionality. Now we don't know much about TES V yet, but I'm hoping there will be a much more in depth combat system (kicking, bashing, and all the good stuff). What fun would kicking be without seeing your legs and feet? Jumping and platforming is also much easier when you can see exactly how close you are to the edge of a roof or cliff as well. Instead of guesswork you would get a nice visualization.
Now, I'm not the most hardcoe role-player, but every once in a while I do like to imagine that I am my character running around swinging my shining sword to save the day. When I complete a quest line or delve deep into a dungeon, that shiny glass cuirass I earn needs to be seen in first person. Think of it as a constant reminder of your hard work, as well giving you the feeling of actually wearing a suit of armor.
Also, there is the idea of helmet view (parts of the helmet obscuring your vision). Although this may not be as important, it would really add to the atmosphere as well! Think about clunking around a dark misty cave in a full suit of steel plate, sword out, and a torch to guide your way as you battle through enemies far and wide! The immersion would be fantastic! (Helmet view is just a concept, and might hinder your vision too much for functional gameplay. The main focus is the visible first person body)
Anyone else on board and feel that this NEEDS to be in TES V: Skyrim?