» Sat May 28, 2011 8:23 pm
My first character will be Sibyl, a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lva, a pagan Norse shaman, or in her instance, a shamaness.
She will probably spend her first few hours just surviving, while trying to find the nearest safe village, or town, depending on the circumstances in the story.
She will engage in a little exploring, hunting and gathering, and further, getting to know the political lay of the land. She will, of course experiment with what crafting that may be available to her early on in her adventure.
As far back as Sibyl can remember, she has had dreams in which she hears the dragons. It is disturbing to her, however, that she knows not of what they speak. It will become her desire to pursue knowledge of their language.
Although her need to learn the dragonspeak will be strong, actual pursuit of the main quest will be quite leisurely, yielding to exploring her world, while enhancing her skills, as well as her crafting, and living life to the fullest.