First Play Through

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 am

I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do. Personally, even though I love me some sneaking and marksman, I'll have to (ethically) play as a Nordic barbarian just for the sake of the Trailer, Lore, and the experience of a life time....At least for the first time....

Since the Skyrim trailer, I have been modding oblivion to my liking, and am now just playing as a Nordic barbarian so I can...get the feel of it. I know not everyone is going to do this, but I feel obligated to.

So, what are you going to play as?


The second time through I'll have to play as a Khajiit with stealth and such.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:09 am

My first playthrough will have a nord, always start with a nord, that has a longsword in his right hand and a spell, depending on which looks the coolest, in his left. Probably use lighter armor, depending once again on what looks the coolest. :P

Second playthrough will be totally hand to hand, more of a sneeky monk if you will. After that...probably a pure mage. I'm looking forward to seeing how the combat looks and feels in the finished product.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:15 pm

Dunmer ShadowSword,
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 pm

i always go stealth for the first playthrough as it gives you the opportunity to assess your chances before entering a fight
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:31 pm

Nord, or orc Warrior or Breton Mage.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:33 am

Imperial mage with awesome robes and lightning spells (essentially Darken Rahl for any of those who've read Sword of Truth)
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 pm

I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do. Personally, even though I love me some sneaking and marksman, I'll have to (ethically) play as a Nordic barbarian just for the sake of the Trailer, Lore, and the experience of a life time....At least for the first time....

Since the Skyrim trailer, I have been modding oblivion to my liking, and am now just playing as a Nordic barbarian so I can...get the feel of it. I know not everyone is going to do this, but I feel obligated to.

So, what are you going to play as?


The second time through I'll have to play as a Khajiit with stealth and such.

I don't feel obliged to anything - I've allways played TES the way I wanted it and not the way it seemed best. I'll be playing a Breton Spellsword, i.e. a mage/warrior mix that uses spell & sword and dual wielding swords and spells. Gonna try to complete as many quests as possible, though I won't try to join every single faction just for the sake of it.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:55 pm

Probably a breton battlemage (shield in one hand, magic in the other) i'll start off by exploring and ignoring the main quest a bit and once I get good gear and spells it'll be dragon slaying time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:07 pm

I'll be playing as a Nord, but I'll probably end up being more of a knight and less of a barbarian because I think Nords would look weird in some of the higher tier light armour, assuming there's Glass and Elven. Nords hate elves anyway.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:53 am

I'll start off with a Nord woman. I'll be using my typical Crusader strategy: Heavy armor, sword-and-shield, and a few restoration spells. Good to go.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:33 pm

in my first playthrough im gonna be a brutal, well brute, with a big-ass sword or a onhanded sword with some serous magic up the sleeve
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:21 am

My first playthrough is going to be a Khajiit Ninja, since it's my favourite thing to play. Once i've done that and got a feel for the game, i'll move on to a magical character and a melee character.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:28 pm

Ahhh how I long for the first playthrough.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:41 pm

I was considering a Breton mage, as it's something I've never done before, the only magic I generally use is Restoration. However, I've just started a new Oblivion save with a Breton mage, so perhaps in Skyrim I'll go for a spellsword or something. Dual wielding should, in theory, make this far more engaging.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:34 pm

female breton battlemage, using a sword and board, then dabbling in some destruction magic for certain occasions (set up so can easily switch between the two), or to just mix things up, I'll probably focus just on one type of spell as to roleplay a specialist with it. But I'll wait to see how each destruction magic handles to decide which. I'll aslo be self sufficient, repairing and making my own weapons and armor.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:35 pm

Nord Warrioress. Figured its the best way to experience new enemies. Leveling up past the boring ones then boom, ending up face to legs with a giant spider and having to go right up and slash at it to win. As stealth or mage like in past games I'm sure one can just stand back and win without being up close. So this time, imma be all panic stricken when encountering new foes that are either creepy/frightening or that I just know nothing about so they may well be above my skill level. ^_^

Second will probably be a mostly stealth char, though who knows. :shrug:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:46 pm

A Dunmer gladiator. Heavy Armor, Dual longswords and a Bow.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 pm

orc/nord fighter. sword/axe and shield. highest difficulty.

i see no point in playing a game unless it's extremely difficult and you die a LOT. i want to have to plan my attacks and pick my opponent's apart rather than just rush in and hack away.

I plan on this being one of the only games I get this year (have a 5 month old daughter now and game time is limited severely) and i'm gonna take my time with it. if that means taking one hour long session just to clear out one dungeon cause i have to gather myself for every rat i'm totally fine with that.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:41 pm

I too like to play as a more stealthy kind of character, preferably a Bosmer archer. But As you said being a Nord really fits for this particular game, at least for the first play through.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 am

I too will probably start with a Nord-Barbarian type character. Inspired by the awesome trailer of course. I almost entirely play stealth characters, so this will be a pretty cool change I think.

After the first playthrough I will of course have to do the assassins, thieves, etc. I'm entirely unsure about what race I'll choose for the second go-around though. Kind of a toss-up between Dark Elf, Wood Elf (if they're no longer ridiculous looking), and Khajiit (if they have really cool abilities).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:11 pm

orc/nord fighter. sword/axe and shield. highest difficulty.

i see no point in playing a game unless it's extremely difficult and you die a LOT. i want to have to plan my attacks and pick my opponent's apart rather than just rush in and hack away.

I plan on this being one of the only games I get this year (have a 5 month old daughter now and game time is limited severely) and i'm gonna take my time with it. if that means taking one hour long session just to clear out one dungeon cause i have to gather myself for every rat i'm totally fine with that.

would you not just play permadeath instead? you have to take care all the time, go slowly and use potions and take no chances, and you don't end up humiliated by a rat with more hp than you to boot.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:05 pm

Im doing the opposit from you, stealth first, barabaric nord second
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:33 pm

I`m gonna be a stealthy Bosmer archer or something to that effect ^^ I just looove to sneak around people, shoot them in the head and collect my loot

I'm probably gonna play a Nord warrior for my second playthrough
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

imperial with a sword and magic or dual weild or khajiit with a bow.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:36 am

My first character will be a female Nord battlemage type. I will play on the good side, help people and general be the warfaring, kind and aleloving Nord that I can be. After the first playthrough, when I've learned how the game plays out, I know I would want to at least play an Altmer mage and a Khajiit or Bosmer thief. After that, I don't know.
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