» Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:55 am
Nord Warrior in his mid/late-20's settles into Riverwood, finds a wife and a steady job blacksmithing. On a trip to one of the bigger cities, he and his wife will be attacked by a dragon- his wife dying- driving him to vengeance and to his destiny as 'Dovahkiin.'
Dunmer Ranger, living off the land, loathes the Dark Brotherhood discovers his path as the 'Dovahkiin.'
Their backstories:
Name : Fyrisi Llerayn
Race : Dunmer (Dark Elf)
Age: 28
Gender : Male
Body Type : 5'10'' Slender Muscular
Combat style : Dual Wielding Rogue
Weapon/s : Dual cutlass/short sword or Short sword/dagger combo
Clothing/armor : Dark Leather/hood (cloak if possible)
Hair : white
Eyes : red
Home : still searching
Story : Born to a mother and father, both members of the Dark Brotherhood, he was raised to be an elite assassin, the perfect killer. The dark faction honed his body and his mind into an instrument of death... But his heart was untouchable. An inner war between his morality and his existence came to a dramatic conclusion when he was given his first contract: The warranted death of a child. His heart held his blade. Knowing that his life as well as the child became forfeit by his decision to spare her life, he took the child and left Cyrodiil, to the land of Valenwood.
Days turned to months with no sign of pursuit. Eventually, he and the child found shelter in the town Woodhearth on the second floor of a 'hole-in-the-wall' tavern. But the dark faction were unforgiving. In the brotherhood's poetic darkness, it was Fyrisi's mother and father that tracked him down. Thinking their lives safe, Fyrisi left the child alone in their upstairs room, for just a moment, to purchase some bread and salted pork. As he entered the room, he found his father, blades drawn and his mother wiping the blood from her dagger. The child lay dead. The child he saved, the child he came to care for, was dead and his mother to blame. A shared smile crossed his mother and father at the vision of their son's broken spirit. With a nodding glance to each other, they stepped forward for their finishing blow.
A simmering rage burned within Fyrisi Llerayn, that has never been felt before. His parents both slowed their approach at the heat they now felt upon their own skin. With a final gaze upon the fallen child's body, Fyrisi screamed out in furious denial a word he knew not, sending his mother and father through the splintered walls of the second floor room, above the tavern. His parents' bodies fell dead before they hit the ground. His inherited vengeance was far from quenched. He returned to the place he once called home, he returned to the people that taught him everything he knew; the Dark Brotherhood. Death came to his native branch of the dark faction.
No one was left alive. Knowing the brotherhood would seek retribution, Fyrisi took flight.
In his studies as a pupil, Fyrisi was taught that in all the regions of Tamriel, there was none more primative than the lands of Skyrim. It was there, Fyrisi would seek refuge from the shadow of the Dark Brotherhood. As he crossed into the freezing borders of Skyrim, Fyrisi felt something tingle inside him. A tingle that sparked the memory of his parents demise. He never fully understood what took place that day, but at that moment, something told him that he would find his answers soon.
In the dark of night, Fyrisi crossed into the frozen borders of Skyrim. Seeking shelter from the cold, he happened across a lit campfire. Unsure of the men that surrounded the encampment, he circled the troupe hoping to gain a better understanding. Without too much examining, Fyrisi could tell the men were soldiers of Nordic decent. Weighing out his options Fyrisi, concluded that he was unsure of their intent, but was certain that if he didn't find warmth soon, he would surely die. As he slowly made his way towards the campsite, Fyrisi took note that the amount of tents displayed outnumbered the number of men surrounding the fire. Before he could react, four well armed soldiers surrounded him. He immediately scolded himself for such a simple oversight. Though Fyrisi was nothing more than a lonely traveller, but the men viewed him as a spy- a well known profession for his race. He gave no resistance as the men took him as their prisoner. No words were spoken to him and no explanation was asked of him. He was a spy, there was nothing more to say- Death awaited him now.
Name : Kalibor Forseti
Race : Nord
Age: 26
Gender : Male
Body Type : 6'5'' muscular
Combat style : Dual Wielding warrior
Weapon/s : Dual wielding short swords/maces/axes
Clothing/armor : Heavy armor
Hair : bald+full beard
Eyes : emerald green
Home : complicated
Story : Skyrim was a land he never knew, though his blood knew it as his native home. His mother died during his birth. His father, broken by the loss of his love, bore his child South; to lands and tongues foreign to their own. They became nomads, travelling from land to land, from town to town. When it came time to gather up and travel to the next destination, his father would simply explain their direction with a single word, whether it be the territory, town, or country. His father, finding work of all trades, some jobs less desirable than others and a few he could never speak of without hanging his head. But he loved his son and desired to give him only the best. With the money he made, he spent on an lessons for his son that few people, and fewer Nords, received. Though he educated by great scholars in every tongue spoken in Tamriel, trained by some of the most esteemed fighters and rogues in all the lands, Kalibor's most valued lessons came from his father's own words of wisdom. He was taught the ways of a good man, true to be true to his own heart. As Kalibor grew to be a man, he noticed that from time to time, his father would look at him with saddened eyes. He could tell that his father desired to tell him what pain laid buried beneath... But he never did and Kalibor never pushed the point.
One day, Kalibor awoke to find his father was missing. Stepping out of the room his father and he shared, he made his way up the stairs into the tavern above. Their he found his father wrapping up a conversation with a fellow Nord. He turned from the stranger and locked eyes with his son . The look on his father's pale face was wrought with stress and fear.
"I must talk with you this night," his father exhaled, "but for now, I must make a small trip North, to the border and you WILL stay here." The stern tone of his father's voice at the end of the sentence told Kalibor not to argue otherwise. It was late in the night and his father still had not returned. Kalibor grew concerned to the point where he cared not for his father's subtle threat and gathered some belongings. Just as he turned to leave their room, the door burst open, with his father pale as a ghost, clutching his chest. Kalibor caught him as he fell to the ground. His father's breathing came with labor. As he gazed upon the man he grew to know as 'larger than life,' he knew, with weeping eyes, that his father was dying. His father's eyes beckoned him to come closer. In a final breath, his father whispered a single word that gave Kalibor the direction of his next destination: "Skyrim."