Have you seen all the rats around here? It's making me crazy! First this guy decides he's gonna make a million, opens a fancy restaurant: Rats in a Cream Sauce, Rat Flambe, Rat Necrom with Bonemeal Gravy, Deep-Fried Rat, Lemon Rat and Wild Rice, Rat Ragu with Powdered Deer [censored]! Of course, when the guards found out, they ran his sorry butt out of town, but they left the rats. Rats!
We already killed and saved rats.
Time to capture for the sake of someone who has an use for them. (could also be to a mad scientist in need of lab rats)
Maybe have the player trying to find their way through a rat maze? I didn't like the rat mission for the FG in Oblivion, too much sitting around waiting (if you started the mission early in the day).
You know there was this function called "wait", right ?