First TES

Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:19 am

On this thread I want to know your story on how you started playing the Elder Scroll games. (I started with Morrowind and that is why I post this here)

It was the day I was to visit my grandparents. I always liked visiting them because of my Uncle who my grandparents lived with. My Uncle is a computer tech. and avid gamer. My family and I were visiting and one afternoon my uncle asked my dad and I to come into his room. This was either bad or extremely good. No one ever got to even look at his door! We went in and he sat us around his computer. He said that he got this new game and that he loved it so much that he had to show it to us. As the game loaded, my uncle was talking about the game and what he could do and stuff, but all I heard and saw was this great music filled, wonderfully colorful game. He played for a little while then exited out of the game. I literally cried when he turn it off. He then with out saying anything and not even looking away from the screen, turn the game back on. He then asked if I wanted to try and play. The next thing I knew I was on the road again going home with the game in my hand. He had let dad and I have his "extra" copy he really bought for us because he knew we would love it.

Oblivion stories are welcome too if that how you started, but really try to talk about your first MW experience.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:59 pm

On this thread I want to know your story on how you started playing the Elder Scroll games. (I started with Morrowind and that is why I post this here)

If you want people to talk about their first Morrowind experience then the thread belongs in Morrowind General - but if you want people to talk about their first experience with any TES game it belongs in here :)

My first TES game was Daggerfall and I still remember spending about an hour making an absolutely awesome character only to discover that with no experience playing the game and all of my combat skills in the minor category I couldn't even defeat the first rat I encountered. I was also confused why the intro seemed to say I was shipwrecked, and there was a boat in the cave I started in, but that cave was a good 20+ miles inland.

The confusion didn't improve with character number two. I was able to get through the intro dungeon but I didn't understand the first quest. I was supposed to find Lady Brisienna in some small town in the province of Daggerfall (I don't remember it's name, let's call it Dorf). Unfortunately I thought I was supposed to find her in a tavern called Dorf in the city of Daggerfall so I spent a considerable amount of time painstakingly mapping the city and exploring its inns and taverns to no avail. When I finally did figure it out I decided to start a third character and do things properly.

My third character rocked. When I was level two I was given a little quest to deliver something to a merchant in Daggerfall. I did and then decided to use the loiter past closing save/reload cheat to loot the place. If you waited in a store past closing the merchant waiting with you, but if you then saved and reloaded the merchant would be gone. I started looting all of the shelves, turned around to leave, and nearly had a heart attack when I ran in to the merchant!

But here was the fun thing, the merchant was spawned by the quest itself, he wasn't the store owner, so as far as the game was concerned he didn't view what I was doing as theft. Better yet this was a general store with an effectively infinite number of horses and carts. I could just keep stealing them and selling them, and by the time I was done my second level character was able to afford a large boat and the second most expensive house in Daggerfall! (I could have gotten the most expensive but it was a duplex so I was uninterested). :D
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:28 am

Back in 2005, my older brother Judd (who was living just up the street at the time) said he bought a game called Morrowind. I was like "Is it fun?" He replied with "No, you can't hit anything, there's too much reading, and not enough action." He gave it to me, and I was hooked. In the summer of 2008 I got it for PC and have been loving the mods for it. And all this time, I have never beaten the main quest.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:57 am

A few years ago I went to Blockbuster and looked at an uninteresting-looking game. I decided what the hell, so I rented Morrowind. That whole week I did nothing else but play that game. Then I rented it again the next week. And again the next week. It was reserved for the next two weeks, so I reserved it again for the third week. I spent those two weeks in between constantly thinking of new characters to RP.

For those 4 weeks that I had the game, I was terrible at it but loved it. Ignorance is bliss. I was such a retard, I didn't notice how bad the graphics were or how annoying the combat system was. I searched Balmora from tip to toe looking for Caius but I never found him until I got the game for Christmas later that year. I picked up every grain of saltrice and sold them one by one so I didn't get ripped off by the shopkeeper. Anything worth over 50 gold was considered legendary by me, I once spent over 2 hours trying to steal 1 bar of sload soap from a barrel, but kept getting killed by the guard. I barely got anything done because every few hours I would start I new 'this time will be a seriously perfect' character that was barely tweaked from the last time.

My first character that I actually stuck with for a while was an Orc who didn't have a weapon-type of choice and just used whatever weapon that I picked up that did the most damage because I didn't understand skills. His name was an accidently misspelled version of my own name. He stayed at level 1 for ages because I didn't know there were levels. Every time I increase a skill it would tell me to rest and meditate and when I finally got around to doing that I went up 3 levels from backed up skill increases. From that point on I thought every few cliff racers I killed would get me a level up because I didn't realize that it was skill increases that gave me the level ups.

That was my stupid and blissful experience of Morrowind. When I actually got my own copy of the game finally I figured things out very quickly.

But I've still never gotten around to beating the main quests. Both times I was on the way to the end, I ended up unknowingly killing an essential character earlier in the game.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:32 pm

My first Elder Scrolls game is Oblivion. When I turned 14 years old in late 2008, I received a ps3 and went to Best Buy to choose my first PS3(and my first seventh generation of consoles game). Before I went to Best Buy, I spent plenty of time looking up PS3 games and I couldn't find many RPGs(which I almost exclusively play). None of the those few RPGs looked promising except for Oblivion. I found Oblivion and looked at every review(both written and video) about it. I decided to get Oblivion. On my birthday, when I went to Best Buy, I started looking for copies of Oblivion. I found several copies and I received one as a birthday gift. Two months of my life disappeared as all my free time was put into Oblivion. I still play it now, but not during all my free time as I used to. After I received Oblivion, I started playing the older Elder Scrolls games.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:59 pm

My dad just bought it randomly because he read an online review.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:13 am

ah great story. it was 4 years ago. i trade/borrowed morrowind from friend for civ4 and rtw. now thinking about it that was a good trade because morrowind is just so amazing. well anyways i borrowed the game and fortunately i got the game when my mom who is anti gaming was on a business trip so i had all the time i wanted to play morrowind. at first i was confused and frustrated i had no idea what i was doing and morrowind doesn't really help you get going that much. not to mention i didn't have internet so i couldnt even look up anything online. i think the farthest i even gotten was to hlomaren and eventually gave up not knowing what to do. shortly after i traded back and got rtw to this day i never got my civ4 back but it was worth it i guess because i probably would have never known about morrowind if i never made the trade. i dont remeber the next time i tried it or even why. but the second time i did i actually gave the game a real chance and beat the game, once i beated it i uninstalled it feeling accomplished and didn't touch it for a while(i just did the main quest). it wasn't until a year ago that i got a morrowind urge and reinstalled it, realizing how much i missed the second time.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:00 pm

Bought OB as I was hungry for a RPG for my 360. Bought, played the daylights out of it, and had a fun time, despite my hatred towards the level scaling. By my senior year in HS, I picked up a copy of MW after hearing about here and there was something special about it, despite the argonian handicap and lower graphics (which I didn't really mind). Later in college I got myself a nice computer, and picked up the PC version of MW and it became extremely awesome. Later, I bought OB for the PC, and...while I did enjoy it for some time, I just had to change so much of the game.

Currently, I am still playing more of MW than OB, and I often switch between a game and MW in my gaming spurts.

Didn't feel that same sense of what I felt from MW till I got FO3, which has mostly fulfilled me for a more modern Bethesda game.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:09 pm

I tried Arena back when it was new, but for some reason it never impressed me. I rather spent the time playing other games instead, like UFO: Enemy Unknown and Little Big Adventure.

Then Daggerfall arrived. And my strongest TES memory is still just entering and walking around in the city of Daggerfall for the first time (which was also the very first town I visited after getting out from Privateer's Hold). The game seemed so alive, with all the people walking around and the sun changing position and so on. And then for the next ~3 years it was pretty much the only game I played :P

Neither Morrowind or Oblivion managed to impress me that much in the alive aspect as Daggerfall, unfortunately. Even though Oblivion is better than Daggerfall in that regard, it's also a decade younger :P
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:47 am

I tried Arena back when it was new, but for some reason it never impressed me. I rather spent the time playing other games instead, like UFO: Enemy Unknown and Little Big Adventure.

Then Daggerfall arrived. And my strongest TES memory is still just entering and walking around in the city of Daggerfall for the first time (which was also the very first town I visited after getting out from Privateer's Hold). The game seemed so alive, with all the people walking around and the sun changing position and so on. And then for the next ~3 years it was pretty much the only game I played :P

Neither Morrowind or Oblivion managed to impress me that much in the alive aspect as Daggerfall, unfortunately. Even though Oblivion is better than Daggerfall in that regard, it's also a decade younger :P

We have an Elder Scrolls veteran here. How old were you when you first bought Arena, if you don't mind me asking? Also, what did you like about Daggerfall more than Arena? There are few people on these forums who started with Arena.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:27 pm

A friend of mine saw how in love I was with Fallout 3 and recommended I try Oblivion. I resisted for a while, telling him I didn't really like fantasy games. One day we ran into each other at a Blockbuster, and I was browsing the videogame rental area looking for something to rent. I wasn't really interested in anything, so he told me to get Oblivion. I resisted and argued for a few minutes but eventually gave in. So I brought it home and played it, and while it was definitely addicting, I didn't like it nearly as much as I love Fallout 3. Still, I did like it a lot, enough for me to get interested in the series at least.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:13 pm

It was summer 2008, i had my 360 for a month or two now and it had just
come back from repair. I ordered oblivion and it came the next day :D.
My first char was a nord, but i had to stop playing him when on a weird glitch
during the bruma gate with cpt burd, the gate would fire up but wouldn't close. :(
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:14 pm

I heard about OB from a couple of friends and got it and a 360 for Christmas.

Loved it.
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Post » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:42 am

I'd only played two games in the distant past - Montezuma's Revenge and King's Quest I, but my stepson was heavily into Doom as soon as he got his first computer. I remember him playing for hours on end, hammering away at the controls (throwing his pencils) and beating the bad guys. It must of payed off since he eventually landed a job with Sony.

Fast forward to last summer. A guy I work with had just got this game called Oblivion and was just nuts over it. He kept telling me about it when we were working and I just didn't "get it". Well, he finally got to the point where he wanted to get away from gaming so much and gave me his vanilla version of Oblivion. Ugh! Using the keyboard and mouse was hard enough, but I was completely lost trying to understand it all. It reminded me of buying the first D&D game (still have it somewhere) with all of it's multi-sided dice and trying to figure out hit-points and such...never understood it, until now.

Anyway, after getting killed by everything and feeling lost, and really not liking the whole gaming experience... I have to say what kept me going was how visually stunning and fascinating this Tes world was. I mean, those moons in the sky, seeing them reflected in the water, interactive characters, shadows, sunsets, snow, actual cyper-physics with gravity, it was just too much to give up on and I can be very determined. I finally turned down the difficulty, started getting into the manuals and reading through some hint sites while gaining some coordination with the keyboard and mouse, managed to stop flailing all over the place - even learned to steer my horse.

Then things started clicking as I completed a few quests, found a few treasures and became more powerful with my skills. I felt this rabid excitement about this new world and realised how completely amazing it was. It was like being in an animated movie while writing my own story as I went. This blows my mind when I think back to how much effort cartoonists went through to create animation, one frame at a time.

I play Oblivion almost every single day and absolutely love it. Purchased the GOTY edition and freaked-out when I looked up at the night-time sky in the Shivering Isles. I bought a brand new computer so I could get the most out of gaming and eventually get into modding. I even dream about it, which is very cool. Sometimes, the "real world" svcks in comparison.

What's next? Learning how to download a mod (I'm so lost when I read about how to do it!). Morrowind and FO3 are at the top of my list of Bethesda games I want to play next. Lurking here for the latest speculation about TES V has become a habit.

Thanks Bethesda! :obliviongate:
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:05 pm

I was in high school, heard about Elder scrolls morrowind, about huge landscapes, and alchemy. about being whoever you want. Finally when High school was over, I got a hold of Morrowind, but I didn't get what it was about, up until then most of the Rpgs I'd played were Vampire: the masquerade, and diablo like games. I wasn't used to that kind of freedom. Luckily, Oblivion was about to come out, so I looked it up and got hyped, finally it arrived and was instantly hooked, I finally got what the whole thing was about, made all the obvious noob mistakes, but it was alright because I was having so much fun just interacting with the world. eventually I got pretty good, and Oblivion is still my favorite game. When i gave Morrowind another chance I was honed by Oblivion, and could get right into the experience morrowind provided.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:29 pm

I believe it was 2003 or 2004 and I was talking to my best friend at the time. He would not stop talking about how cool it would be if he had a "green glass dagger" as he called it. I just shrugged it off as a unique cool weapon he had invented in his head, until later on I asked him what this dagger really was. He proceeded to tell me about how his brother played this amazing game called Morrowind and had just gotten a good dagger that was made out of glass. I kept this information at the back of my head until about a year later when I was browsing Electronic Boutique. On the shelf I saw Morrowind GOTY and decided to pick it up. I went home and began my journey of the TES universe.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:47 pm

Morrowind, back in 03. ^_^
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:44 pm

I started with Oblivion, I got it because I heard it was similar to Fallout 3, which I had since March. I bought the GOTY for PS3 in early October.
After about 3 months playing Oblivion and finishing Shivering Isles, I decided to order Morrowind online. On January 5, 2010, Morrowind arrived in the mail. I loved Morrowind so much, it took my personal "Game of the Year 2002" title from GTA:Vice City. I also played Morrowind for 16 hours, the longest I have ever played a video game.
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:10 pm

I also played Morrowind for 16 hours, the longest I have ever played a video game.

In one sitting, I hope, or that's just sad.
Iv'e probably played a few hundred hours of Morrowind, even more for Oblivion.

My first experience with TES was Morrowind. I was going to rent some stupid game from Blockbuster, but the clerk got my game mixed up with Morrowind. I didn't sleep that night. When I realized how big the game world is, I was hooked. I played the living crap out of Morrowind, and after that, I was hooked on video games in general. Later in life, when I bought my first Xbox 360, I got Oblivion, and I love it every bit as much as my copy of Morrowind (I still have my original B) ).
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:36 pm

I was at a friends house an his brother was playing Oblivion. Had never heard of TES and didn't even think it was an RPG. He was in Skingrad and it just looked like some kind of medieval action/adventure game

So I bought it then fell in love
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:48 pm

The first time I got into the elder scrolls series was when I first played Morrowind for the x-box.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:35 pm

Very pleasent with oblivion,you know basic set up,liked it but dwindled on a bit,but morowind,Probably the reason i didnt like it.i play on a Computer screen for better graphics,my com screen only went to 5khz or something,so 60khz was needed for morowind,so everytime i wanted to play it i had to borrow a TV...NOT GOOD

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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:46 pm

Well it started off with me like at a EB Games catolouge then i looked at it and i thought i hate rpg's the only thing i saw was skeltons and the image for the cover and i thought i'm not buying this (i'm talking about TesIV:Oblivion) then in 2007 i thought that you could run you own your own shop i looked at a walkthrough of the start and some random gameplay and i thought this game is ****ing awsome about a month later i brought the game and that was one of the best decisions i have made with buying a game in my life and TESIV got me into rpg's like fallout 3 and Mass effect so yeah thats how i started the elder scrolls.

Also i lost my disk so i the brought the game again i found my old disk then i lost both of them again so this time i got the Game of the year edition so basicly i had a new oblivion disk every year oh yeah i found the other 2 disks so yeah well the elder scrolls is one of my favourite game series all because of the internet and eb games i digged it
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:31 pm

I was on the best buy website, saw Oblivion GOTY on sale for 20 bucks, read a couple of reviews online, thought "why not?", and bought it. :foodndrink:
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Yama Pi
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Post » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:18 pm

I was in a friends house, chilling, and I saw Morrowind, out of all of his 100ish games, and I asked him to put it on, I whined for ages, because, for some reason, he didn't like it. He eventually put it on, and showed me his naked Argonian with a steel claymore, who had just left Ald'Ruhn prison. I was amazed. Now, I realise he was poo :P, but still, I was amazed. I played, and I was a Bosmer - some kind of magic class, I can't remember, and I was killing Mud Crabs, thinking I was awesome, but I didn't know how to use magic. I eventually accidentaly pressed Y, and got my magic ready. I was killing crap, when all of a sudden I heard Mr. Tarhiel fall from the sky. At the time, I was still in the swampy part, near Seyda Neen. I was lost, and scared that some people where being murdered. I tried to find my way back to Seyda Neen, and I found the taxman, I assumed he was the one screaming and thought wtf killed him? I took all his crap and ran for my life. I got attacked by a large insect-ey thing (Which I now know to be a Nix-Hound), and killed it within an inch of my life. I then finally found civilisation in the form of seyda Neen. I read my directions to Caius, and got the Stilt Strider to Balmora. The game crashed. <_<

I then got the game for myself, and that's where the real story begins.

I then got the game for myself for PC. that's where the story gets good.
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