I'd only played two games in the distant past - Montezuma's Revenge and King's Quest I, but my stepson was heavily into Doom as soon as he got his first computer. I remember him playing for hours on end, hammering away at the controls (throwing his pencils) and beating the bad guys. It must of payed off since he eventually landed a job with Sony.
Fast forward to last summer. A guy I work with had just got this game called Oblivion and was just nuts over it. He kept telling me about it when we were working and I just didn't "get it". Well, he finally got to the point where he wanted to get away from gaming so much and gave me his vanilla version of Oblivion. Ugh! Using the keyboard and mouse was hard enough, but I was completely lost trying to understand it all. It reminded me of buying the first D&D game (still have it somewhere) with all of it's multi-sided dice and trying to figure out hit-points and such...never understood it, until now.
Anyway, after getting killed by everything and feeling lost, and really not liking the whole gaming experience... I have to say what kept me going was how visually stunning and fascinating this Tes world was. I mean, those moons in the sky, seeing them reflected in the water, interactive characters, shadows, sunsets, snow, actual cyper-physics with gravity, it was just too much to give up on and I can be very determined. I finally turned down the difficulty, started getting into the manuals and reading through some hint sites while gaining some coordination with the keyboard and mouse, managed to stop flailing all over the place - even learned to steer my horse.
Then things started clicking as I completed a few quests, found a few treasures and became more powerful with my skills. I felt this rabid excitement about this new world and realised how completely amazing it was. It was like being in an animated movie while writing my own story as I went. This blows my mind when I think back to how much effort cartoonists went through to create animation, one frame at a time.
I play Oblivion almost every single day and absolutely love it. Purchased the GOTY edition and freaked-out when I looked up at the night-time sky in the Shivering Isles. I bought a brand new computer so I could get the most out of gaming and eventually get into modding. I even dream about it, which is very cool. Sometimes, the "real world" svcks in comparison.
What's next? Learning how to download a mod (I'm so lost when I read about how to do it!). Morrowind and FO3 are at the top of my list of Bethesda games I want to play next. Lurking here for the latest speculation about TES V has become a habit.
Thanks Bethesda!
