Yeah, it's just more of a character thing for me. (Oh, look, my character is an engineer now all of a sudden, lol!) I like playing a certain way as well, so being forced to play another way can be a little irksome for me. (I play RPG's a lot, so that could be why, heh.)
I have a cruddy laptop that can't play games, a Wii, an old XBox360 and PS3 (most recent). I don't have cable-internet (for consoles) and I share all systems with my ENTIRE family (plus cousins and family friends and more). It's a Hispanic thing, lol. One big family. :biggriun: ...Which is why I was a little disappointed with the lack of Local Co-Op in Brink. My sisters and I have SOO much fun playing Borderlands and Gears of War together.
Just so you know psn is free, unlike xbox.