0-0 Prob go do some KUNG FU :toughninja: .... Mabe after words listen to some head banging music :rock: . Clap with joy for this indescribable game :clap: ........ Would play some campaign and get lonely :user: .
Bug a Freind to buy the game so we could play co-op :poke: ...... MABE get pissed at me for making him buy the game. :swear: Would play several hrs (15hrs) of non-stop game play until i could breath and think and ALMOST react like i would in brink :bonk: .
Go on Multiplayer, after i beat the campaign and destroy the people with my shooting skillz
Probability Rage If i get owned in a match and do something dumb. :brokencomputer: ... Then round it off with a toast at the bar for a successful day of playing Brink :foodndrink: .
All this stuff if made up don't think i would actually do this lol....