Play for a few hours, and make notes of the kind of things you wish were in the game, but aren't. Then ask here about mods that fit the things you want. You also might want to check the advanced search categories on TES Nexus, the premiere site for Oblivion mods, just to get a flavor of what's out there.
As for mods you should get regardless, I would suggest the, and the (assuming the expansion comes in your package). These literally fix thousands of problems, mostly small but a few big ones, that gamesas never got around to.
For the rest: the main game issue many have isn't leveling, but scaling. That is, that merchants' inventory, enemies, and enemy loot scale to your character's level. Depending upon how you play, this can really break the game immersion--or it may not bother you, at all. If the former, there are a range of mods that offer fixes for this.
Good luck, and enjoy.