I just ordered TES 4 - Oblivion (for PC) ~ the special bundled pack with Bioshock, and expect to have it installed a few days. This is my introduction into this game as I've never played any of these TES series and I am hoping to have a bit of fun. I have read varied opinions and while I understand that the graphics are not quite as "cutting edge" with some of the newer games out, from what I have seen they should be good enough to allow for some decent immersion.
The biggest draw to this game for me is the lack of linear gameplay. Or rather the ability for open ended gameplay is probably the best way to phrase it. The ability to "do whatever" I choose and play my character my way has a tremendous appeal to me. If I like this version I am going to buy Skyrim but I think for now I will wait and see. I have some concerns from what I have read about how the code seems to have been written more for console gaming and simply ported over into a pc version. I have always found that to be more frustrating than not. (For example in Assassins Creed when the camera takes over and you want to kill youself to try to make certain manuevers using your mouse and keyboard, or the fact that all their in game icons are console pics and I have to try to remember wtf button the little pic represents lol) After a while it wasn't too bad but still.
Anyway I was wondering if there was anything I should know starting out that may help transition me better~ any sage advice from fellow mature (yes, I'm old) PC gamers? Outlside of the ability to play your own class your way and create your own adventures and just do as you like, I am really looking forward to my first time playing with player made mods. I've read someplace that you can install a player mod that will grant you a free house

Well I am looking forward to playing this after exhausting AOC, AION, Witcher and a few others from the past, especially now that I have some extra free time to get back into gaming.
Any help/advice is appreciated.