I think it would be A fantastic feature to add fishing into Skyrim. In Oblivion i thought it was sad that there were so many Ponds,Lakes, and Rivers with little to no purpose! Adding a fishing skill into Skyrim would give water an actual purpose! I mean think of all the possibilities! It would be really fun to cast a line out to a mysterious lake you found and see what you catch! Not only Different species of fish, but the actual process of catching them and for what purposes would create hours of fun if implemented correctly. Perhaps you can make your own rod as well as different lures/baits for catching. once you catch a fish you can sell it for gold as well or just eat it! There could also be quests tied into the process. A simple example would be an old woman might need some trout for her stew but she is to weak and weary to go catch them herself so you can do it for her! maby its just my imagination getting the better of myself but i really think Fishing would be a really big and cool skill in Skyrim.
Fishing has been Implemented very well in past game series, notably 1998's Zelda:OoT. OoT used a very simple, yet fun way of Fishing, that added an extra layer of intrigue to the game.
what are your thoughts/ideas on a fishing skill or just plain fishing in Skyrim? I think its a grand idea that would add to the experience of Skyrim.