Trapping wild irratiaded animals around your settlement would also be interesting.
Hunting... Who doesn't want to mount a deathclaw head on thier new wall!? Skyrim handled this aspect perfectly.
Will any of these things be included?
As a fella that enjoys a spot of hunting and sport, I like the idea.
I've wanted fishing in fallout for some time and not like in Skyrim where you dive in and pick the fish up lol although I would love the option to throw a grenade in and then pick em off the surface XD
You know what? I'm going to agree 100% with you and say yes I also want to see fishing, hunting, and trapping animals in Fallout 4 as well and cooking their meat.
As long as it's all nice and glowing green! Wild Wasteland perk better be in!
One feature I always appreciated in player-modded houses in previous Fallout games was the ability to display "trophies" on the walls. Sometimes it was simply displaying all the weapons you had acquired (one of each type, including rares). Went out of my way to "finish" the display, scrounging for that missing rare golf club (that I would never USE, but I want it to fill that glaring hole in my display wall --- damn this OCD!).
Other mods had "unique" wall art, like a neon sign for Novac after you had discovered it, or a guitar leaning against the wall after you met The King in New Vegas, or a stack of poker chips after you visit The Tops, a beret hanging on a hat-rack after you meet Boone, or whatever.
In Everquest-2, they have special Heritage Quests that you can go on that reward you with items from the ~original~ Everquest 2. While some of these items are great to USE on their own, you can also Examine them and you get a pop up with info on the item ~and~ an option to convert the item into a House Decoration which you can then place in your player-owned house! Even though my main character there is a rogue-type (Swashbuckler), she still goes out of her way to finish quests that reward giant claymores she cannot equip, or powerful robes that provide no benefit to her ---- just so I can finish my "collection" in my player home.
Sort of like the Bobblehead stands, I guess, were a primitive version of this idea.
In one of the videos showcasing the settlement-building, the PC was placing furniture and I believe at one point even a wall-mounted animal head? In any case, I'm hopeful that players can mod in all kinds of trophies and with the new settlement building systems in place, we can place them whereever WE want to put them, instead of relying on pre-made houses ---- modders can create ~just~ the trophies.
In the E3 trailer there was what looked like a ... what do you call those things you put meat on so you can turn them over a camp fire?... anyway, there was one of those things outside of the gas station where the protagonist meets Dogmeat, so you can probably turn other dogs into literal cooked dogmeat at the gas station. As for fishing, they do give a whole perk tree to swimming related stuff and there is a lot of water around the boston area, so I wouldn't be super surprised.
In the settlement building demo at E3 we saw a mounted brahmin head. Looks like we'll be able to put trophies up of our hunting kills.
Gonna need to see some fishing/hunting/crabbing licenses.