I'm thinking of basing my next character off of the hero of Robin Hobb's Farseer and Tawny Man Trilogies. it's hard to give information about him without giving away plot details, i'll try though. He's not very trustworthy of people except a select few, he's not the typical muscle bound hero, he is a royal bastard, He is eventually trained as an assassin, He discovers he can use the wit (the ability to communicate with animals) and skill (tapping into people's thoughts is the best description I can give), that's about as much as I can give in case people decide on reading the books, which I highly recommend.
I need help making a build for him though
I'm thinking willpower and endurance for attributes
the skills is where i'm having trouble i've got a few definites though
Illusion- for the wit and the skill
Blunt- because he prefers an axe over a blade
Alchemy- because of the poisons he makes
other than that i've got nothing