Celed Pivot is a distressed high elf currently residing in the 'Two Sister's Lodge' in Skingrad. He has been asking around for several days about the fate of his adventuring troupe, but so far none have neither seen nor heard of the elf's friends.
It falls to you, either from the good of your heart or the emptiness of your pocketbook, to travel to the Wealdwater Mining Camp and unravel the events that took place there, and the fate of the five wayward adventurers.
-- Five Blind Mice adds a fully voice acted quest to the game, accompanying about 3 hours of gameplay.
* Fully Voice acted and Lip-sync'ed dialog.
* A dynamically branching, event driven storyline with three separate endings.
* A massive new dungeon to explore, complete with puzzles.
* Fully scripted boss fights
* New, retextured enemies
* A new challenge for end-game characters.
Download Link(s):
Planet Elder Scrolls Link:
The Elder Scrolls Nexus:
======Version 1.1 Patch Notes======
*Fixed an errant trigger that was causing a storyline script to run if the player ran over a certain monster spawning node in 'The Cage'.
*Rebalanced the Sleepwalking Alyeid in 'The Cage'. The skeletons should now have significantly less max Hp at higher levels, making them killable.
Cosmetic Fixes:
*Fixed Helseth Norring's name. He is Helseth, not Halseth.
*Fixed several lore-related misspellings.
Compatability Fix:
*Moved the entrance to the Wealdwater Mines two cells east to prevent conflict with the 'Elder Council' mod. Hopefully this will be far enough to prevent
Known Issues:
* Cobl compatability is still pending. Looking for this to go into 1.2
* In the beginning, there are two lines of voice acting missing from Celed's dialog. We're still looking to see if we actually recorded it.
* The FBM quest, in the quest log, does not have an icon yet. Pending for 1.2
* Outpacing Torrin may cause the quest to fail, forcing you to repeat the run sequence. Not too big
an issue, since its very, very difficult to outrun Torrin. Scheduled to fix in 1.2
*An Activator item had its script changed in the TES editor. This causes several triggers in dungeons throughout Oblivion to no longer function
when the mod is activated. We're aware of this problem and will be including the fix ASAP with Patch 1.2
As always- future bug reports help us make the experience better for future players. Thanks to all those who submitted!

====Installation Instructions====
All files associated with FBM are contained in an Oblivion batch file (.bsa).
Install by placing the BSA and the .esp file in your oblivion/data directory.
Run the Oblivion launcher, click 'Data' and check the box next to "Five Blind Mice."
See "Starting the Mod" for a hint on how to get started on the quest.
To Uninstall, simply remove the .bsa and the .esp, or simply uncheck the .esp file in your
Oblivion launcher options (see above).
*Note: If your character has picked up items relating to FBM, they will no longer be present
if the mod is disabled.
Known Mod Conflicts:
Cobl (Lore Error, to be fixed in 1.2)
*Note* - FBM has several heavily scripted bossfights. Other mods we have encountered
have some 'instant kill effect' items. We do *NOT* support the use of these items, as
using them may break the scripting involved in the fights, and so the quest. We've done
our best to error-proof all of the fights, but the unreliability of the Oblivion scripts
means that this is not a guarantee.
*The latest Oblivion vanilla patch. -- PLEASE check that you have the newest Oblivion patch. FBM is a heavily scripted quest, and pushes the limits of the scripting engine. It is confirmed that the quest does NOT work properly (in ways that will make you die) if you do not have the newest version of Oblivion.
Starting the Mod:
After engaging the mod, travel to the 'Two Sisters Lodge' in Skingrad. Follow the text in the
mod summary and look for a high elf called 'Celed Pivot.'
He will present you with the quest.
***WARNING***: Five Blind Mice is a High Level Mod. It has been tested at all levels, but will be
very challenging for players under level 10. It is recommended that you use your strongest
character to complete the story, as it is intended to be an end-game plot. Only players above
level 24 will receive the best possible iterations of the treasure, and players below this level will
have a very tough time with some of the final bossfights!
It's also worth mentioned that FBM is a closed circuit. We are cruel game designers. There will be a "point of no return" in the FBM quest, where you -cannot- leave without bringing it to one of its conclusions. Steele yourselves before venturing forth!
At this time, due to scripting limitations, FBM does NOT support the use of any item that has the capacity to hard-kill a target (independent of HP values). Use custom-weapons and mod-weapons at your own risk.
FBM is the product of four people working closely together. Equal credit is due to everyone in the team for their dedication to finishing the project and putting it into public release.
Names and credits are fully available in the README file of the mod.
The nicknames: