Staring with stoic regard, we turn facing
That which in starlight unravels undone,
Five in the Dawn are we, bulwarks embracing,
Five in the Dusk are we, holding as one.
Watchful, her Moons urge the tide ever-flowing,
Siblings affixed in eternal entwine,
Ushered they, heralding wind by their glowing;
Voice of our Lady called us to Her shrine.
Kneeling at statue of Queen over Twilight,
Praying Secunda and Masser to rise,
Holy projection of lunar-born insight
Lent by Azura then filled in our eyes:
'Far in the marsh amid shadows' grim chiding,
Dratik the vampire, brooding in gloom
Steals of my moonlight, in darkness confiding,
Using my shroud to bring others to doom.
'Though you my children be, loving and loyal,
Want I no harm to befall you, my kin,
Evil this creature would countryside spoil,
Draining its innocents, bloodied with sin.
'So now I ask of you, closer than servant,
Higher than family, greater than friend,
Conquer this monster and hunger so fervent,
Triumph and bring him no merciful end.'
Knowing our mission, she granted us blessing,
Lady Azura, our Mother in Sky,
Left we to lift that which weighed her heart pressing,
Swearing the beast would in dawnlight slain lie.
Onward for days we together strode quickly,
Wanting no thing but to Lady approve,
Numb to what otherwise renders one sickly,
Shimmering Moons guiding every our move.
Late in one morning we chanced on a tower,
Corpses in pieces and fresh led us in,
Strewn on the floor by some hideous power,
Confident, trod we to victory win.
Following mist of the ancient stone hallways,
Crept we by torchlight through death and despair,
Though as we ever held heartside and always,
Lady our Queen would keep us in repair.
Gripping the handles of weapons at ready,
Caught in our corner of sight shone a flame,
Halting our charge he appeared, we held steady;
Raging in crimson stood Dratik's dread frame.
Wasted he not but a moment in striking,
Fierce and with speed only daemons may boast,
Pounding with strength of an atronach's liking,
Shattered he through to what feared we the most.
Breaking our armor, ignoring protection,
Clawing at flesh now exposed and out bare,
Shot he a dose of his vile injection,
Shifting our journey to darkened from fair.
Though we dispatched from our realm that corruption,
Venomous curse of undeath were we fed,
Offering promise of life's interruption,
Joining the ranks of the night-roaming dead.
Daylight a stranger now, sped we to altar,
Hoping our Lady would send us a cure,
Pleading she turn a blind eye to our falter,
Begging to make us again whole and pure.
Swift as we traveled to mountainous haven,
Sun had arisen and burned our cold skin,
Forcing our fleeing by heralding raven,
Singing our torment by sorrowful din.
Vacated mine sealed our blood-thirst unending,
Shutting out sunlight and ravenous crave,
Lost of our Lady and Moons' comfort mending,
Ages endured have we, locked in our grave.
Fortune or irony cast us a riddle:
Was it some plan that we, now of new kind,
Only may visit Her shrine at day's middle?
Dawntime or dusk are we ever confined?
So in anguish we chant that worship defends,
Dusklight fast dulling our pain-tainted roars,
"It is only by fate that any life ends,
And only by chance it is mine... not yours."
- Rohdyhn