Sorry DayWalker, but I was already working ot it, when you posted.

Its Bip01 was saved to that position each frame.
So, we had 2 chances:
1) reposition the Bip01 for each frame and save the new position
2) delete the animation of the Bip01 in NifSkope, and move it only during the walk/runforward animation,
Yap, I agree on that, the animation is corrupt and the creature is also missing a bounding box. As the creature is based on a just slightly modified guar skeleton, I think easiest would be just to import a new guar skeleton and parent it to the vissed creature and tweak the boneweights if necessary. Going through the whole animation frame for frame is not a thing I'd do personally.
If you got a bad position constantly from frame a to frame b, you can do it easily that way in the IPO Editor by manipulating the curves, but if the creature goes up and down from time to time inbetween the 958 frames its a lot of work!!!

Now you got some odd movements of the legs, because the root is pinned at same position all the time!!!

TheDaywalker :rock: