personal melee should be last resort not the first thing as your primary weapon. i end up getting fed up with it to point i ended up just meleeing everyone coz i was getting more kills... was just like wtf????? so i suggest just removing it completely from online play .. you be surprised how good game could be if melee just wasn't option in first place... sure you can nerf it but lets b honest people i doubt crytek will nerf it enough they said they fixed it... it ain't fix it still OP and overly used.
hunter mode .. when i was playing the hunter mode i felt it was little too frantic .. when i think hunter i think... slow stealth and wait not just zerg rush the people. seems like possible fix is larger maps and make it so that people have some object in hunter mode for the cell not just cuddle each-other and wait for them. it should feel like cell are getting hunted but really it don't feel like that i don't feel like something going come get me i just don't care i rather take them on then run away.. just boring gets old fast and people ... i sometimes just play a hunter just for fact its better and fun to kill cell coz cell are boring and have no objective its just huddle and spam fire .. at moment no skill required at all just zerg festing