So I am playing through NV whilst waiting for FO4
Problem 1:
I have Cass as a follower, as a character she is supposed to hate the Legion and yet when I 'steal' from the Legion she gets very uptight about it. This makes zero sense
Problem 2:
I can explore the wasteland and some things are up for grabs no penalty, other things have an arbitrary karma score against them. There is no consistency.
Problem 3:
It is ok for me to take anything I want from an enemies corpse such as the aforementioned Legion... but again I can't take it if it is in their house or in a footlocker etc. All of a sudden stealing from a dead mans corpse is fine but don't you dare take it off his shelf
Problem 4:
Getting bad karma/or reputation even when no one is there to witness you do it. I kill a group of Legion, all of them dead, no witnesses and yet my rep with the Legion is negated, this applies to any faction I am just using those Legion as an example because well everyone hates them anyway
For such a game this is a real mood killer and it takes you right out of the immersion the game is supposed to give
Either fix the system or remove it because in it's current state it is not fit for purpose and actually harms the game more than it helps. It makes no sense most times it is actually in use