Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:40 am

I'm getting over all the bugs in this game, every 2nd to 3rd game and get svck at match starting, having to reparty every 2 games, party being split, we don't party up to fight each other. It has been 3 months since this game has come out and it's still so buggy, every time you patch it there are more bugs do you test it before you release it?. don't get me wrong i love this game but all these bugs are killing it, at this point i don't know if anyone will be playing this long enough to get the dedication trophy.

please test the **** out of the next patch so you don't make more bugs. and plaease fix the stealth kills they are really stuff right now, if they move at all you just hit them i've tested this in a private match with both my mate and i in the same house so there was no lag.

keep working had to make this good game great.
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Lauren Dale
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