Hey guys, my Fallout 3 GOTY was acting extremely odd when I first downloaded it from Steam and tried some mods. I couldn't make it through the beginning "birth" of yourself without it freezing and crashing. So I removed the mods and the issue still happened, at this time I did use FOMM and FOSE. I deleted the game and EVERYTHING to do with it, including FOMM and FOSE. I reinstalled it, atleast tried to get through the vault beginning and it would still freeze. So I looked around online and found some "hotfixes", and by clicking the Falloutlauncher and going to its properties and running it in compatibility mod with XP SP3, my game has been running.
Now to get to the point, I want to start adding mods now since I am out of the Vault, and can see the effects immediately. If I am going to do FOMM and FOSE, should I also right click the the fose_loader, and change its properties to compatibility mode as well? The whole purpose of purchasing this game on Steam was because it was on sale, and I could get it on my PC. I have already beaten the game and two of the DLC on the Xbox, but modding is too fun to pass up.
If anyone could answer this question for me that would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.