Fixes & Improvement Recommendations

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:19 am


- Allow ranked servers to be started with less than 6 people, I find myself reverting to unranked due to the stupid minimum player limit and not being able to change this on my server. I recommend 2-3. I understand why the minimum is so high, in theory its a good idea. So people can go in with two accounts and saturate the leaderboards, however, it ruins the game for legit players.

- Where is Punk Buster or some anti cheating tool. As the game gets more and more popular, like every game its bound to have cheaters. (Why is it not enforced on ranked play)

- Server browsing needs to be fixed, it needs to report proper pings, proper player counts and by default EA game servers should not be the sort type. For those users like myself and alot of others who host their own game server it does not allow us to get people into our server quickly because all the EA servers are first and people do not usually unsort the EA servers. This is the way it is in Bad Company 2, and it works.

- Allow ability to right click on friends and players in lobby and view the operative status.

- Allow gamesas accounts that start with a number, like mine, to be able to be used in game. I had to create a new one under a different email address just to login to game. Or, do not allow gamesas names on the website to be created with a number as the first character.

I welcome anyone to add to this with their idea's so this gets resolved. It is very frustrating.
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