I'm cold blooded and I live in the far reaches of the north.
Yeah but that doesnt matter if your a vampire :wink_smile:
TBH, the only reason argonians are in, is because too many people would cry and pout over it. Though i have no doubt argonians could survive the cold with magic and really good gear, it just doesnt make sense to have them live in a fridge climate.
The problem i see is that there really isnt any concise source saying whether they are, or are not. So technically its justifiable, despite that what we know about reptillians it wouldnt make sense. Also, its solid speculation that they are indeed cold blooded, being that they tend to reference it in game.
So i digress, the main reason theyre in, despite sense and common belief, is that because it would cause too much of an uproar with the exceedingly touchy fan base, and we'd have another EvE Online: Incarna happening right here. (if your curious, go check out the EvE general chat forums... its on fire, theyres riots in game over some
speculated change... its pretty crazy)
i was reading the article and it mentioned that they share some attributes with fish. this is a very good loophole for the argonians to survive in the cold because there are fish that survive in the arctic oceans by having a chemical in their blood that prevents them from freezing........a type of natural anti freeze. unfortunately i couldnt find anything to explain who they would be able to maintain a high level of energy and movement in a cold environment. the fish i mentioned is very slow and inactive. so unless you going to roleplay a depressed argonians that shuffles while stooped over everywhere they go and constantly complains about the cold i think this is just going to be one of those things you ignore in a video game.
I'll do quite well with my manic depressive argonian warrior... Every time he gets into a fight, it'll be "Ghod... why bother, he's just gana kill me anyway.... *sigh*"
Also, if argonians didnt freeze, then they wouldnt be affected by frost spells. Maybe the new ice lance think but we've yet to see that. However, intense cold hurts the body by freezing it and basically rupturing the cells it affects. If argonians couldnt be frozen, period, then frost spells would be rendered null.