Flaming barrels create the worst lags.

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:39 am

I haven't seen this mentioned before with a Google search. If its been mentioned here already then I do apologize. It seems that the last bug patch fixed many issues with FNV in the regular game. The problem is that the DLC is still buggy, especially the current one I am playing which is Lonesome Road.

In the regular game, I noticed that the more flaming barrels that where around, the more lag and freezes I would receive. With Lonesome Road and the hoards of flaming barrels, I can only get a max time of 10min to play before I lag so bad that a stop motion picture movie seems like a smooth running HD large budget film in comparison.

Anyone else notice this?

I'm hoping that if they come out with a new FO game, it lacks any flaming barrels and has a proven engine supporting the game.
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Melung Chan
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