Might we finally have them? And will we be able to mount them on rifles? And use them as head lamps or hand held?
Might we finally have them? And will we be able to mount them on rifles? And use them as head lamps or hand held?
I wonder if nights and caves will actually be dark enough to make use of them this time around.
Yeah, turning the brightness waaay down always seems to be a must in Beth games. Usually it requires mods to make it work properly without making daytime/nightime adjustments.
The power armor helmet has a headlamp as a modification. I would love to have a flashlight on my gun... no indication that we can though... also... the new pipboy might have a better light on it now, because before all it was... essentially, was the pipboy screen with the brightness turned up.
Will be awesome if they managed to include proper dark environments and lights on weapons. This would certainly add to the whole military theme.
I was thinking about making a thread about this too, you beat me to it haha. Well played.
Maybe, power armor has it at least but otherwise I don't know. I sure hope so because the extremely limited range of the pip-boy isn't very helpful and it's mind-boggling that there are no flashlights in the game. It doesn't seem like it was hard for modders to put them in, I can't imagine what's keeping Bethesda. The pip-boy is about as effective as using your phone screen in a dark room, it's not all that helpful.
I think they're a necessity. Sure, you probably get nightsight at some point, either via perks or in your PA helmet, but if you just wanna keep it basic flashlights are perfect. Also makes it extra creepy to go trough a completely dark building with only your little cone of light.
I'd like other sources of light too. Like flares... Toss one in and light up the whole room.
Since playing the metro games I think I've got a phobia against them now
Of course in a way that was the atmosphere they wanted, and they nailed it, so if Bethesda gets even close I'll welcome a flashlight!
p.s. as already mentioned the dark would need to be darker and feel much closer than in previous games
Using Flashlight NVSE and playing through some of A World of Pain's dungeons was certainly horrific. I'm looking forward to more moments like those even if we have to wait for mods.
I never played the Metro games, but I've seen some game-play vids and I must admit the lighting with flashlights is pretty cool. Would love to see that in FO4.
Never played Metro either, but I remember using the flashlight mods in FONV combined with a lighting mod. It was pretty scary at times =)
Just from watching the footage and of course hearing Dynamic Lighting and Shadowing well I kinda would think that would mean that the company did something with Lighting in game that was different than Fo3. Just sayin.
If they just fixed the pipboy light I'd take that. Mounted flashlights would be great. People mentioned Metro which was great for that game, but they don't need to be there just for the horror game experience; GTAV had them and there were some areas that they were clutch. Makes more sense to have them then to have every building still have working lights. Yes the generator could be nuclear powered but the light bulbs lasting 200 years is really going to cut into the light bulb makers bottom line.
Lol, never thought of that! Good point, though. Those are some damned good bulbs!
I really liked how the flashlight worked in The Last of Us, it really added to the atmosphere where you could only see in the cone of its light but it was also quite helpful. That's what I think of when I think of a flashlight done right.
The fact that Fallout 4 is using Physically Based Rendering seems like it would increase the likelihood of being able to make things like flashlights work well.
ohhh flashlight for PA and weapon will be super cool.
I'd bet power armor has it because we can't use our pip boy with power armor on... I would think out of PA we'd just use the pip boy light, unfortunately.
I wish too.
Can you imagine going in the store and it was dark like Metro 2033 and you turn on the lights on the gun and see a swarm of ghouls rushing towards you?
Not to mention the freak factor that they come from the windows wall now.
Hell you hear a heavy breathing from your back and light it to find a freaking deathclaw but it's to late he got you and slash you up.
yeahhhh that will be cool but not really Falloutshiisss lol, Metro is a more dark game that Fallout is.
I was actually re watching the trailer and maybe is the new volumetric lighting but it look a little more dark and the light sources a lot more darker, look the Trailer and there is a metro still zone with some ppl it look a lot darker that F3