Flat surfaces have more area than uneven ones?

Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:24 am

I want to continue learning geography and figuring out exactly how big Skyrim is, because I assume it's much smaller than Oblivion.


Why should I appease him? I'll show him proof and he'll still complain and argue with me.


I'll give you a reason to appease me.
If you show me proof that Todd Howard said Skyrim is 20% bigger than Oblivion, I swear I will never again post another topic on this board complaining about the size of the world, or even speculating on it.
Hell, I will stop posting here altogether if you can show me where Todd said this or confirmed it.
That's how confident I am that you don't know what you are talking about.
I will live up to that pledge if you provide me this proof you say you have.


"The size of the world is almost the same as Oblivion's, but because of the heights are different in the world, Skyrim's world is about 20 percent bigger."

Translation here -


The size of the world is about the same as "Oblivion", but due to the difference in height, [Ashley Cheng] says the total area has increased in the order of several tenths.
Note: there is an unusual word 数割. 割 means 10%, and 数 means several. However this is hard to say in English, so it is difficult to guess what the original English was.

So Ashley Cheng, the game director, said it would be several tenths bigger than Oblivion accounting for height? It's likely he originally said "a few" which equates to at least two. meaning at least two tenths, or 20%. So it is larger than Oblivion by at least 20% due to height variation, even if it would be slightly smaller if you flattened it all out.

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Lilit Ager
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:17 pm

If you look at Skyrim from the sky and ignore the mountians etc, It'll be about as big as oblivion was. If you flatten out all the mountains and hills in both skyrim and oblivion, adding that are to the overall area of the places and then watch them from above one more time, Skyrim will be bigger. Simple.

But, what is the point of this thread?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:29 am

If you look at Skyrim from the sky and ignore the mountians etc, It'll be about as big as oblivion was. If you flatten out all the mountains and hills in both skyrim and oblivion, adding that are to the overall area of the places and then watch them from above one more time, Skyrim will be bigger. Simply.

But, what is the point of this thread?

He is trying to show up Temp.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:06 am

He is trying to show up Temp.

I know, I know, I'm being a jerk. I just get mad when people post troll threads and never back up what they say.

But the moderators didn't say anything about not continuing with a new thread...

Is it wrong because I asked the same question in a different way? Isn't every thread asking a question in a way that insinuates a fault in the game when that perception is due to mistaken judgement the same exact thing?

I actually do want to legitimately discuss how height and travel time changes the map size, which is what any inane question about the size of the map ends up leading to.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:30 am

Wait so did Temp actually leave? what a horker! :rofl:
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:23 am

I don't know why this question keeps coming up. Todd has already said the map will be about the same size as Oblivion. Unless you just believe Todd is a liar or you are a troll there is no reason to dispute the size of the world anymore.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:13 am

So this is part 2 of the discussion about if Skyrim is actually bigger than oblivion in terms of land mass and area?

Well it is..

Think of it like this: Take your blankter and put it over a chair. Now look at it from above. It doesn't seem so big, it's actually quite small. But when you take the same blanket and put it on the floor-flattening it out-you realize how big it actually is. Another example is a triangle with one corner 90 degrees steep (and it's height side is far longer than it's bottom side). The hypotenusa (or whatever it's in english) is way bigger than the bottom side, again showing how vertical surface has more area to it.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:44 am

I don't know why this question keeps coming up. Todd has already said the map will be about the same size as Oblivion. Unless you just believe Todd is a liar or you are a troll there is no reason to dispute the size of the world anymore.

So this is part 2 of the discussion about if Skyrim is actually bigger than oblivion in terms of land mass and area?

Well it is..

Thanks Gorbad, I was doubting it again. Thanks Magus, for reading the original post.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:11 am

I don't know why this question keeps coming up. Todd has already said the map will be about the same size as Oblivion. Unless you just believe Todd is a liar or you are a troll there is no reason to dispute the size of the world anymore.
When measuring just horizontal this maybe true, but there is also height to take into account, basically if you take the surface area of both and stretch them out flat Skyrim will be about 20% bigger.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:21 am

So there won't be big plain areas?

The steppes must be an illusion or something...
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:21 am

Weather the playable space is bigger still remains to be seen. Just be cause there is more surface area doesn't mean more game space, areas with touch gradiant are useless some areas not even traversable, inaddition dungeons, oblivion planes and other interiors will equate for alot of space how each game shapes up in this department remains to be seen. Personaly I've been happy playing nv how big is that incomparison to ob I think it's smaller and I'm quite happy traversing around that size map so I think it will be just great, variety and detail make the game not just lots of content.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:53 pm

Maybe I need to clarify. Put simply the world will be big enough. I don't really care if it is slightly bigger, slightly smaller or whatever. There is no reason to keep calling the devs out as though they are purposely trying to lie to their fanbase.

Honestly Erwan, I'm trying to read over your post but I'm not sure which side of the argument you are falling on. I think my fault lies in reading through Temp's topic before this one. It's affecting my mood and I apologize if I misunderstood what you were trying to say.
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:29 am

So Ashley Cheng, the game director, said it would be several tenths bigger than Oblivion accounting for height? It's likely he originally said "a few" which equates to at least two. meaning at least two tenths, or 20%. So it is larger than Oblivion by at least 20% due to height variation, even if it would be slightly smaller if you flattened it all out.


A "few" is atleast 3...A "couple" is two.
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