[REL] Fligg's Slave Mod - Loyalty

Post » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:30 am

Title: Fligg's Slave Mod - Loyalty

Version: 1.0
Author: Deylendor



This is an add-on for 'Fligg's Slave Mod' -- http://download.fliggerty.com/download-110-6

Fligg's slave mod has a small loyalty system integrated into the mod. After your claimed slave's disposition is
at least 80 you can gain loyalty points when choosing the "-- slave care" topic and give food, drinks or just talk
to your slave. If you release your slave while having at least 15 loyalty with it would NOT disappear after a cell
reload, instead it would stay and offer to be your friend as it likes you and has nowhere to go.

I expanded on that idea and gave the mod some small features as well.
- Your slave's health and loyalty will always be show in the dialogue window when talking to it.
- Attempting to talk to your slaves while having your weapon drawn or spell readied will open up a messagebox window
in which you can command your slave to "follow","Wait","Wander" or "Discuss tactics". The later would upon up a
messagebox submenu in which you can tell your slave to "use melee","use ranged","use what I use" or "use what you like".
The reason for me to doing this is because its way faster to move your potential friends (or mannequins) around...
especially if you're a vampire and use Cortex's Vampire Embrace which slows down the dialogue quite a bit.
- Your slave's loyalty has now 5 stages:: -- Apprehensive->Neutral->Favorable->Friendly->Devoted
Your slave needs to be at least 'Friendly' to stay ( not disappear after a cell reload ) after being released by you
using the "Go Free" topic.

I'm planning on adding certain bonuses for each stage after 'Apprehensive' so feedback is greatly appreciated.

edit:: Uploaded screenshots at the download location




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Claudia Cook
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