Naturally, I want the physics to be exactly like Oblivion, no effort to improve them at all. Of course, why would I want improved physics in a sequel when Bethesda is also improving the graphics engine and all that? That's just stupid, keep the floaty physics I say!
No, actually, I was being sarcastic, I DO hope Bethesda tries to improve the physics in Skyrim, though the slow falling speed wasn't the only problem with Oblivion's physics. What really bothered me was the fact that there seemed to be very little friction, and the fact that many objects had a tendency to float a short distance above tables and other objects if you moved an item near them. I suspect this was caused by the colission for items not matching them very well, and actually extending somewhat beyond the visible geometry of their meshes, thus the way they were placed in the Construction Set was actually physically possible within the constraints of the engine, in theory, even though they were placed in a way that looked natural. Thus when something caused Havok to recalculate their physics, like say, an item near them being moved, they would float up to a position where their collision would fit. I'd think this really wouldn't be hard to fix, though I could perhaps be mistaken.
Though, I'd expect them to improve upon this in Skyrim, but how much is the question, the fact that they haven't called specific attention to the changes they've made to Havok physics makes me a little concerned, but it could be just something they hadn't chosen to reveal at the time. After all, there are certainly many details about the game they've yet to reveal.
Almost as weird as old women beggars voices suddenly changing to that of nordic men. Heheh.
Especially since that never actually happened in the game.
Beggars did have a habit of changing their voices ((Usually when asked about a subject like rumors for which Bethesda never recorded dialog specific to beggars for, so why they didn't... oh, I don't know, disable those topics for beggars is beyond me.) but never once have I heard any character change to a voice of the opposite six.
Though a female character using male pronouns when talking about herself in third person was pretty strange...