I've gotten it into my brain that I absolutely must have a sabertoothed Khajiit character. All the talk of Skyrim has only made it worse. I've even http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1157099-saber-toothed-khajiit, and I swore I wouldn't mod Oblivion.
LOLright it ended up just like my Morrowind game: "Did you finish the main quest?" ... "Finish? I didn't even start!"

I figured I may have more luck here. I at least have a head to use for Morrowind. I just need a tail. I'd make the damn thing myself but I have no idea how to model anything from scratch, especially not skinned meshes.
Something like http://bloodhound-omega.deviantart.com/art/Homotherium-Latidens-159907359, perhaps? Please? :cookie: