Deathclaws aren't mutated by FEV. If they were, they would be sterile and there would be no more Deathclaws.
The talking deathclaw in FO2 are mutated by FEV to give them inteligence... And they certainly arent sterrile.
From FO1-
Flatworm reproduce:
We infected several species of flatworm with FEV. Within hours the worms had increased in size by 28%, and 39 separate viral contagions were resisted by the population. Each sample was allowed to continue for several generations, and the new DNA structure was successfully passed on to worm's progeny, although only asixual reproduction was noticed in the samples. Experiments with insects have had less success. Major Barnett has postponed these experiments until further notice.
This breeding pair note refers to the "Lost location" of fallout 1 - the Burrows ( Suggesting that Racoons may be able to breed normally
With batch 11-011, we have improved the mitotic cycle efficiency by 43%. We have infected 53 raccoons with the new strain. In addition to the now expected size increase, behavioral tests confirmed an increase in intelligence and manual dexterity by 19 points on the Schuler-Kapp index. Unfortunately, several subjects escaped confinement and had to be hunted down and dispatched. Major Barneet ordered the remaining subjects terminated. Two pairs were unaccounted for.