This is a heads-up. FNIS 6.0 will be available in September (2015).
See yourself. It's not a trick.
(Is there no way to add a video here?)
By simply setting Animation Variables in a script, this demo loops through 10 versions of 2 animation files: 1hm_attackright.hkx and 1hm_idle.hkx.
But you see other animations, like 2-handed or even Soolie's Spear animations, right? Because there aren't enough 1hm custom animations, I have used these other animations for demo purposes. Technically, the way they are used here they ARE 1-handed animations. And doesn't it show an extremly easy way to set up Soolie's Spears? WITHOUT the need of a custom race, PCEA replacementand the rest of it's complicated installation procedure.
Now these are only 2 alternated animations. FNIS 6.0 will support alternates for about 450: movement, equip (XPMSE2/Racemenu was only a forerunner), attack, sneak, magic, ....
In order to activate them these animations are sorted into 50 groups. Each group is controlled by an animation variable. If you change one of these AnimVars, you select a different version for each animation in this group. The groups include between 1 and 39 animations. Which, of course can add a lot of animation slots when you add several versions of just one magic animation.
Here is a small excerpt of the list of supported animations. The group names start with an apostrophe.
'mtidlemale\mt_idle.hkx 200000002111900000'1hmidle1hm_idle.hkx 120000000000000001sneak1hm_idle.hkx 010110000010000000'2hmidle2hm_idle.hkx 110000000000000000'2hwidle2hw_idle.hkx 110000000000000000'bowidlebow_idledrawn.hkx 011000000000000000bow_idleheld.hkx 110000000000000010sneakbow_idledrawn.hkx 010000000000000000
And here I have 2 questions for potential mod authors.
Please check the file It lists all Skyrim character animations. Animations above the "****" line will be supported, below the line will not.
- Does the animation selection make sense? Any missing animation files that you think should be supported as well?
- Do the groups make sense? For example the magic group with its 39 animations is quite big. Does a split make sense? How?
A lively discussion is welcome.