No Problem here.
[EDIT] Not sure if this is a persistence problem, but I enslaved an Enclave soldier and had him stand around while I looted other Enclave troops and crates south of Big Town. I then Fast Traveled to Jury Street where I had a Talon Merc slave resting up. Fast Traveled with both slaves to Paradise Falls where I had to kill some Night Ghouls to get to the shop. Whistled up both slaves as they had scattered during the fight. Entered the shop and the Enclave slave disappeared on me.
Thanks! This is a bug in the whistle i work on it. A good debug method is to open your pip-boy in map mode and close it again. This forces following slaves back to you. Please tell me if he appears again with this method. If not its clearly the whistle. This is one of my oldest slave tools and I haven't reworked it yet completly for the new system. Your slave is maybe on a long walk through the wasteland to find you again
. Another method go to a save place in the wastes and wait max. three days. If he doesnt appear i have to look further. But i am pretty sure its the whistle.
Some progress report:
The 1st mobile collar controller is mostly done. Only a little texture tweak, the "takeover again" and the guard function must be added (this is easy and fast work).
I changed the arcitecture of the pet shop a little bit to get more room for the "meatshield" training ( i make this training and slavetype tommorow).
Minor navmesh bug in prison is corrected.
I found a bug which could produce troubles while takeover slaves from prison again. It is corrected now.
Feeding slaves in prison now works how it was intended (this option was highly experimantal in v0.5b)
The changes that are mentioned in this thread (no more hp penalty for selling, less dangerous non-persistant explosions and better infomation, ...) are also on the plan for tomorrow.