FNV, DM, HH and OWB Best FO & DLC to date!

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:28 am

Is anyone else tired of the negative Nancy attitudes! Threads complaining about this bug, that bug, this glitch, that glitch, should've had this, could've had that!!! Com'n, at the end of the day FNV and the DLC's are, IMO, the best storyline, challenges, gameplay and weapons/armor hands down period! Far exceeding all expectations after FO3! Lets stop complaining and start praising! :celebration: .

I know it's easy to BEACH, but I have 1500+ hours in this game as a lot of us do, probably much more before we are finished. If u spend more than +100 hours on a game, is it really that bad? No, because you would not continue the original game nor purchase further DLC's.

It's obvious alot of thread starts are merely forum attention grabbers. I'm not say'm I'm innocent ( :swear: ) but I have never said this svckS or that svckS. If that is what u think, hey, it's your opinion, no worries mate, stop play'n, stop buy'n and move on to something you consider more worthy of your time.

IMO opinion FNV is the best Fallout game to date and OWB is the best DLC to date.

With the anticipation that LR will exceed all others!

Then...we wait...:fallout: futuristics!
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:56 am

Threads complaining about complainers are not allowed on these forums. Oh, and I am excited for LR too. :fallout:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:02 pm

+1 for you! People shouldn't complain, nv dlc rocks, you get more stuff out of it, and 3 of the dlc's, you can go back to.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:52 pm

Threads complaining about complainers are not allowed on these forums. Oh, and I am excited for LR too. :fallout:

My BAD, I did not recieve the MEMO. I'm still waiting in the Divide.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:27 am

I ve made many posts about how good the Obsidian dlc pack has been. I even made two topics praising DM, and saying that HH was good IMO.

I will [censored] about bugs as much as I want to though, because as a consumer it is my right. If I did not like these dlcs, I would also [censored], because again, I am a consumer, and it is my right.

Devs need to know about bugs, and they need to get a feel for how many people like or dis-like certain things.

Bethesda is located in the United States, not communist China or Afgahnistan, so we can [censored] if we want, because of freedom speech.

As long as a persons [censored] is fully explained there is nothing wrong with it.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:31 pm

If they dont like I say why play it stop !@#$%ing and just play the base game it still has plenty of things to do and they are not true fans if they cant handle a few bumps in the road.Also adressing a bug and complaning about a dlc are two differnt things
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:46 pm

+1 for you! People shouldn't complain, nv dlc rocks, you get more stuff out of it, and 3 of the dlc's, you can go back to.

You can return to Zion.

But I love F:NV! :fallout: x9
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carley moss
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:12 pm

You can return to Zion.

But you cant do an side quest
still a good dlc :celebration:
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:47 am

+1 for you! People shouldn't complain, nv dlc rocks, you get more stuff out of it, and 3 of the dlc's, you can go back to.

Is that a forum rule?

If someone has a genuine grievance, why shouldn't they complain?
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:20 am

Dead Money was the best DLC, Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is the best Fallout game.
OWB and HH were crap and NV was the best out of a bad situation.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:30 am

You are right. I hate all these complainers too
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:02 am

All of the DLCs were a considerable improvement on the main game, in my opinion. At last some attention has been paid to the environment rather than (seemingly) just treating it as a stage set into which to drop some characters. However, the bugs can't be ignored. I was thoroughly enjoying Dead Money, as much as anything since Point Lookout, when suddenly I was unable to go from cell to cell. These crashes even infected the main game, to the extent that I could only clear them by starting my character all over again. Unsurprisingly, that ruined the whole experience. In the case of OWB my experience was ruined by the constant interruptions of irritating enemies.

Overall, though, I will give Obsidian good marks because they do seem to be learning.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:39 am

I agree OWB is the best DLC so far(for New Vegas that is) but the frequent crashes after the update and DLC is kind of annoying after a while.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:10 pm

I hate everything.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:58 am

1500+ hours? I got like 105 and I have done everything that one can do already..

If I had to rate the DLC's for both Fallout 3 and New Vegas this list would look something like this:

Point Lookout
Old World Blues
Mothership Zeta
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Operation Anchorage
Dead Money
Broken Steel
The Pitt
Honest Hearts

The top three were the ones I enjoyed playing the most. Point Lookout had an awesome atmosphere and new enemies, cool quests etc. And they removed a piece of your brain! The only downside was that they reused the same skin for almost every hillbilly enemy, I think they had like three different redneck skins in total. So one had to see them over and over again wherever one went. (But they were cool skins).

Old World Blues had by far the best dialogue in all the DLC's. Some enemies were cool, like the lobotomitz but the robo scorpions, robo hounds and robots in general quickly became a bit meh. (Even though the DLC was all about sciene I think that it should have been a greater variety on the robo side. Maybe some new robots and not just Mr Handy and his crew of Fallout robots but now with different names.) And without spoiling too much, in Point Lookout they took out a piece of your brain, but compared to what they do to your body in Old World Blues the brainbit from Point Lookout seems harmless. :biggrin:

Mothership Zeta. I remember when it was about to come out. I watched and rewatched that trailer numerous times and I still got it bookmarked and watch it again now and then. Why? Because the sound and feel of the clip is (still) so awesome. Anyway, the DLC was also great and finding that UFO and then getting beamed up was really cool. And the ship and alies did not dissapoint either. But getting to the final room, the final 'boss' was a long and hard road. I played on Very Hard and did not bring a gun or armor along (Bad day to start rp'ing) so I got my butt handed to me several times. And it never ended! Once I got into one room there was another one, and another one, and another one after that one. So I ended up lowering the difficulty and running to the end after awhile just to get it over with. But the end was really nice and fighting that other shop was a nice touch. (Even though the boss went down with one shot to the back of his head..) Oh and the laser that one could control at one stage of the DLC! I fired away some shots that hit the earth, it would have been nice to get to see the devastation I caused. But a great DLC nontheless.
(It was also around the time of MZ that I created my account here, after having troubles installing it. :) )

- - - - - -

These DLC's up next had some good parts, some bad parts and some of them I did not enjoy at all/as much as the rest.

Operation Anchorage was the first DLC of them all and the scenery was a much needed change. (Icywhitesnow vs. Greydesertdust) Most cool parts was scripted and the objectives one had to complete was not so appealing. But the reward in the end (together with the change of heart from the brotherhood) made this DLC quite rewarding even though it were a bit chore'y at times.

Dead Money was the first DLC I actually ragequit on at several occasions. I was bored out of my skull and ended up running through almost the entire DLC just to get it over with. The only nice part of it was the end, where one faced off with Elijah and tried to escape with as much gold as one could. (I know I did anyway ;) )

Broken Steel had two cool things. One, it made it possible to keep playing after 'winning' the game. And the other was that giant robot that helped the player in the fight. Other then that it just felt like more of the same. No new environments and no new enemies. I ended up stealthboy'ing through the latter part of the DLC.

The Pitt glitched out for me so I fell through a floor and had to reload an much older save. But it was the lack of "cool things to take home to mama" afterwards together with the 'fun' collectibles that made this DLC feel a bit like a downer.
The dark, gritty construction sites with the yellowchainsaw thingy wearing enemies coming at you.. Sure it's fun for awhile, but the whole DLC were filled with them. Together with the Gollum creatures in the outskirts of the Pitt.
I can't even remember the plot besides something, something, baby.

Honest Hearts. Ah I had so high expectations on this one. The Burned man, the religious agendas, the tribes fighting it off. But my first playthrough was a mess. I shot a guy on a cliff at the start of DLC't (the one were the guy Follow Chalks attacks the guy on the cliff in a scripted fashion) but I managed to shoot both the guy I was aiming at and Follow Chalks! So he became hostile and I had to kill him. (I though at the time that he was just another tribesman but with a unique name). So the whole mainquestline was messed up and I failed quests here and there when I tried to talk to people. I ended up reloading an old save just so I could try the DLC from the start again. And this time it went better. But I ran through most of it and I did not care for the NPC's nor their cause.
In the end the DLC gave me much trouble, no cool loot to bring back to New Vegas and no gaming memories. Except the two skeletons I found that appearently were humping each other (one for cash) at a car when the world came down upon them. (Fallout war, yummy).

Anyway, that is my halfarsed/halfbaked quick review. Bash it or don't, agree of disagree. Either way come up with your own list and explanation and it's all good. :)
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:45 am

you cant really help if you have bugs or get glitches its just the persons disk. i must be lucky because i havent had any problem with any of the dlc's at all, i have 356 hours on my new main right now but i think on all my characters i have around 1000+ hours but i have to agree with you that the DLCs so far are great. except HH i didnt like the way the story was, i didnt feel i could connect to it but the enviroment was beautiful. IMO i think OWB surpassed PL as the new standard to beat, DM was great the story was amazing and the enviroment was a change from the usual, the only down side was you couldnt return but oh well. i really like what obsidian is doing how the continue to patch and do little balance tweeks. FO:NV is great and i havent gotten playing it yet but i think we need more craftables, we have enough food

edit: my favorites list
the pitt
(huge gap here)
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:00 am

Com'n, at the end of the day FNV and the DLC's are, IMO, the best storyline, challenges, gameplay and weapons/armor hands down period! Far exceeding all expectations after FO3! Lets stop complaining and start praising! :celebration: .

I agree with you here. NV has its flaws, but its gameplay, worldbuilding, and writing have taken a quantum leap up from FO3, nearly equaling FO1 and FO2.

More, most of its flaws are bugs - bugs that Obsidian has been very diligent in fixing. We still have bugs in FO3 that have been there since nearly the beginning and haven't been fixed.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:16 am

Dead Money was the best DLC,

I'll agree with that and that only.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:29 am

I ve made many posts about how good the Obsidian dlc pack has been. I even made two topics praising DM, and saying that HH was good IMO.

I will [censored] about bugs as much as I want to though, because as a consumer it is my right. If I did not like these dlcs, I would also [censored], because again, I am a consumer, and it is my right.

Devs need to know about bugs, and they need to get a feel for how many people like or dis-like certain things.

Bethesda is located in the United States, not communist China or Afgahnistan, so we can [censored] if we want, because of freedom speech.

As long as a persons [censored] is fully explained there is nothing wrong with it.

+1 its amazing the amount of denial that exists on these forums and the moronic responses you get when you suggest a change or point out an issue. the most common being "if you dont like that part of the DLC then dont play the DLC" i actually dont mind the posts because i get a feeling of superiority like when you play checkers with a blind person. ive had more logical conversations with my nieces and nephews when i babysit them...........oh and they are between the ages of 4 and 8.

as for best fallout game and DLC i will agree. i could never play fallout 1 or 2 so i only have fallout 3 to compare to but nv is defnitely better and the DLCs are way better than the fallout 3 ones........although point lookout was pretty good in my opinion.
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