As I played from the beginning I kept noticing a lack of enemies and very low action far into the game. In FO3 right from the start, in the vault you begin to have to fight enemies, and when you escape and are making your way to Megaton, more enemies, if you came upon a raider camp generally double the enemies in FO3. With FNV I found myself constantly saying when will the game take off???
I think the amount of dialogue was just too much. I spent more time reading than I did fighting I thought this was backward for a rpg/fps. But in all fairness I'm comparing it to FO3 which was a lot faster pace in my opinion.
I thought the new build your own ammo feature was ridiculous. Just put it at a vendor and let me buy it so I can get back to questing, killing and leveling.
Again in fairness to everyone that disagrees with me I was biased coming into FNV. I mean Fallout 3 was the first game I had ever played in this genre, and I just fell in love with it. I landed at #2 on my favorite games list so you see where I'm coming from I hope. I think one area that FNV was a bit ahead was their dlc. I enjoyed ALL of them whereas with FO3 I was disappointed with a couple.
Lastly I think the number and coolness of Unique Weapons was far more and better in FO3. I think things could have been streamlined a lot in FNV which would have shifted at least more of an action feel.
I'm pretty sure I will get slammed for this post, but I have to be honest, and after all it's only my opinion. I'm going to do one final playthrough and then shelve it. FNV will always have value to me and I had some very good times playing.....just not enough.