Dino Dee-Lite Motel Room (Novac): Easily accessible. Simple. Not the best looking, and somewhat on the unclean side. Still, 99 times out of 100, she's going to be a new player's first girl... until they get bored with her and move on to someone a little more upscale. They often seem to come back to her though...
Lucky 38 and The Tops Presidential Suite (The Strip): The two most popular ladies around. Extravagant and beautiful in their own way. Not immediately accessible, though. You have to work just to get into their neighborhood. Once you do, it's bliss.... for a time. Unfortunately, after spending a significant amount of time with either of them, you may begin to realize how entirely superficial they are-- offering little or nothing apart from their great looks. Nice "house candy" for bragging rights and for showing off to your companions, but you'll have to get well away of them to get certain things taken care of.
Vault 21 Hotel Room (The Strip): Clean, perky, and bright. Too bad she's dreadfully boring and offers no more than her extravagant counterparts further up the Strip . On top of that, she charges you per visit. God knows why she thinks she's worth it...
Harper's Shack (Mojave Wasteland): Ugly and overlooked, but she's got the goods (reloading bench, campfire, workbench, ample storage). She'll tend to almost all of your needs, if you don't mind the fact that she's dreadful to look at and hangs around a dangerous neighborhood.
The Sink (Big MT): The new girl in town, and she's a knock-out. Players love her, and other player housing units want to BE her (that, or tear her eyes out). She has it all. Brains, beauty, talent, and wit. Plus, she does things no other girls do. Things that will surprise and delight you.