As you know many of these game producers appear not to care about the quality of the games, nor do they test out their patches before they release them on the people who paid good, hard earned money for them. So, here goes::::: Write your atty Gen of your state, and all the politicians, including our wonderfull president ( Ask them to make a consumer friendly law, this law:should require that stores accept the return of openned software that the customer has taken home, tried and found to be lacking and provide a full refund. Ok, so that doesn't cover patches, but here goes for them too: Include patches, so that if they release a patch after the purchase of said software, no matter how long the customer has had the software, require stores refund 90% of the purchase price within three days after release of the patch, with proof that the patch was distributed within three days of the refund request. This way these people will not be so bold as to advertise how wonderfull these games are and leave it to us to discover after purchase what a dud it really is; and when they have launched a patch that is forced on us, it allows us to get some of our money back within a limited time frame. This will give these people the impetus to correct these very annoying errors before we the consumer are annoyed by them. So write those letters, or emails now. Please. Dave[/b]