After buying and downloading Lonesome Road, I've encountered a peculiar and strange bug. Rather than spacing out sound and voice effects through my headphones in proportion to which side the speaker or noise is coming from, I'm getting 100% volume on either direct side, which fades rapidly as the effect moves closer to my center of vision. Anything smack dab in the center (ie. any conversation screens) are completely silent. Testing with NPCs that say blurbs outside conversation confirms it is a game-wide issue. Uninstalling then re-installing the game had no effect on resolving this. Essentially, conversations, footsteps and weapon firing are 'silent' to me.
Additional info:
-Everything from the game to the DLC was bought and downloaded over Steam
-I recently (last weekend) purchased a new computer and imported my FNV through steam backup from the old machine to the new. I did this with other games to no detrimental effect.
-I am using the same headset as before and am having this issue only with FNV, not any other game.
Any help or information would be appreciated. Thank you.