So it looks like i can get New Vegas with all the add-ons pretty cheaply on Steam this week, but here's the thing: i much prefer my single-player games in hard-copy, and i much prefer being able to install them without needing an internet connection (which makes a hard-copy almost pointless). Is it so far out to think that in the not too distant future i might have more important things to pay for than internet service, or that internet service might otherwise become unavailable? Is it right that i would be
arbitrarily denied access to a game that i should have every right to play, just because i can't log on to its associated Steam account?
Bottom line: i could pay $33 for New Vegas and all it's add-ons right now and be done with it (maybe i will, maybe i won't). But if the $40 Ultimate Edition were to be Steamless, i would much rather wait until 02/07/2012 and buy it with abandon. Help me decide, o gamesas representatives.