FNVEdit - can't find my moved NV folder

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:49 pm

Does anyone know how to make FNVedit find my moved FONV folder? it still searches in the old folder. I can't find it in the registry and i can't find any .ini or .cfg files to change folder location. "Reinstalling" it doesnt help (doesnt come with installer/uninstaller).
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:13 pm

So after one of the updates my FNVedit freaked out on me and couldn't find NV in the same place it had always been and it did the same thing for a bunch of other people and I wandered over to the thread at Nexus and a user over there solved his problem by dragging FNVEdit into his data folder with the esm, etc. I decided to try it and it worked/works great. I've had it in there ever since.
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Ashley Hill
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