I lika all the fallout games got fallout 1 & 2 and tactics installed on my computer and fallout 3 and vegas on xbox. I like them all nearly the same. Hey sure i love fallout 1 and 2 but I prefer fallout 3 and vegas. Ive played 1 and 2 since they came out. But one thing is that ive noticed people complaining about is that future fallout games should be exaclty like the old ones. Maybe thats a dream but one thing is that it wouldnt sell as good as F3 and NV. On this site is maybe a small percantage of the world population who plays fallout. The rest of the world plays it as well but has probably never played the old games.
Im tired of all the complaints to espacially the complaint about that its the same engiene as Fallout 3. Hey take a look on the Halo series, Gears of War, Call of Duty, and some other games.
Still they use the same plattform. If it would change to much then it will lose the same feel. Just like the Stalker games did. They changed them to much, made me annoyed.
But I say all fallout games are great, and fallout 3 and NV looks the best.
They are all superb games and easiest the best series out there and Resident Evil of course.
Thanks for listening chiiiildreen. This is Three Dog aoooowwwwww!