Post » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:33 am


FO3 takes this because I felt like I was driven for something, family. In NV yeah your character is pissed that you were left for dead but I didn't really care. Also FO3 really showed different aspects of what the War did, weather it was finding tapes about a family heading to a Vault or finding a lost city of ghouls, or a rich man society that hate ghouls and anything plagued. While both games are wastelands FO3 had so much more life in it that really brought out the end of the world struggling to build itself back. Also NV ending blows for not really having a ending, it should have got a Broken Steel DLC to continue the game and allow us to explore the game and see what our actions caused.


NV takes this one, while FO3 had great actors and dialogue and stuff, it felt like NV had more stories for each character. Especially for companions, all the characters had a story to tell and some even had a purpose.


I give NV some respect, the map could of been great and excited and all they needed to do was add some gang hideouts, small towns like Novac and add sand storms that block visibility. But I have to give it to FO3 because the game has scary Metros, mutant infested buildings, and raider controlled areas.


While FO3 has really neat guns that are great and useful, NV has more signature guns and customization which is great hands down.


Now I choose NV because I have a strange feeling that a 18 year old can kill a Deathclaw and Behemoth with no combat training, and I really dislike how little we know about the NV protagonist, however his/her mysterious past allows me to believe they can kill all the stuff in the Vegas Wasteland.

Which game do you think is best?

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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:10 pm

Story - New Vegas.

Characters - New Vegas.

Setting - New Vegas.

Weapons - New Vegas.

Protagonist (as a concept) - Tie.

Everything from those choices was substantially improved in New Vegas. Multifaceted and player driven storyline(s); characters with histories, believable personalities, and motives; a believable setting that was built and written with care, and which had lots of interconnectivity to provide selfawareness and verisimilitude; larger collection of more varying weaponry (this doesn't really matter at all to me, though, what would matter is how they work with the gameplay); and the protagonist is a tie because the concept of either is just as good as the other (while the deliveries have differences, but that's a matter for the story and gameplay design -- Fallout 3 had indeed this 19-year-old killingmachine out of the vault with little to no motivation to look for daddy or help him, and New Vegas offered too little motivation to hunt down Benny and the chip initially, and so on and so forth, that's a larger topic in itself already...).

If only the gameplay improvements in New Vegas were as substantial as they were in everywhere else, and not merely marginal.

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..xX Vin Xx..
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:45 pm

Story - New Vegas

Characters - New Vegas

Setting - New Vegas

Weapons - New Vegas

Protagonist - New Vegas

To this day I still haven't found a single aspect in which Fallout 3 is better or even ties with New Vegas.

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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:53 pm

OP - these kind of threads don't tend to last long before being locked. They seem to lead to criticism of the other game and personal attacks on forum members. But let's see how this goes. Personally, Fallout 3 was a great introduction to the Fallout world so I'll always appreciate it for that. It had some amusing moments, scary moments and was an excellent transition to the science fiction RPG as opposed to fantasy RPG.But for me, New Vegas has depth, emotion and an exploration of politics, philosophy, moral values and character that is unmatched in any other game I've played. If it was a work of literature it would be acknowledged as a masterpiece.
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:32 pm

Ron Perlman's last sentence was better in F3 :hehe:
"But the tale of humanity will never come to a close, for the struggle of survival is a war without end, and war, war never changes."

New Vegas had
"In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war, war never changes." :meh:
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:01 pm

Story : FoNV

Characters : FoNV

Cast : FoNV

Setting : Too generic word

Weapons : Tied

Protagonist : FoNv

Music : FoNV reuse great Mark Morgan Music but if we count only new music, both are tied.

Graphics : Tied

C&C : FoNV

Depht; FoNV

RPG features: FoNV

Wildlife : FoNV

Factions : FoNV

Locations : Tied


The way they handle the Old World : Fo3

Writting of the holodisks and computer logs : Fo3

Overrall Writting : FoNV

Challenge : FoNV

Faithfullness to the franchise : FoNV

Humor : Tied

Haroldness : Fo3

Marcusness : FoNV

Ambition : Fo3

Duration of daytime : FoNV

Duration of the thread : Less than 72 hours.

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Matthew Aaron Evans
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