FO3 GOTY and Broken Steel spoiler given by Three Dog

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:07 pm

I just got around to playing through fallout 3 for the first time, after a few false starts years ago. I've been reading in various places on reddit and the nexus that there is a bug where once you activate broken steel, Three Dog will do a news broadcast about the end of the game, whether you've gotten that far or not.

I'm just wondering if that has been fixed for this version, or if it's something I still need to worry about? I've just hit level 20 and still have a whole load of the main quest left to do, so I'd like to continue to level up, but I don't want to hear the spoilers.

If it's not fixed, what mod would I need to fix it? The only mod I'm using atm is and it doesn't say anything in the description leading me to believe that this is one of the things it addresses.
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Gill Mackin
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