Curious about that myself!
Also has anyone run this with fook2 1.0? If I understand correctly I should load this after fook2, as fook adds in some companions. Not sure if it messes with the companion quests though. Only thing I'd lose from Phalanx is some of the weapon switching because of the new weapons? Also, crazy question, the point lookout intergration. If we dont bring companions to point lookout do we need it? Might be an easy solution for me, as I found PL to easy just by myself

Anyhow sorry for all the questions!
If you FO3MasterUpdate the newest version of the PointLookout Integration .esp (the one in the .zip a few posts back), it makes it so that if you use the new followers-related camp site within Point Lookout, they have trouble following you away from the area. They run along a particular cell's border instead. They can run INTO the camp site area just fine, but they can't walk out normally.
It's not necessary to skip FO3MasterUpdate on the whole batch of .esps - in fact you kinda can't do that with Phalanx, it needs it for some other world areas. You'd just leave this one .esp out of this process, and then add it to the load order at the last minute.
If fook makes follower changes, you must load this pretty much after any fiook module that does that. I know that FWE just made changes to help accomodate mods like Phalanx (moved all follower changes into a module that can be unloaded if desired), but I couldn't tell you exactly how FOOK handles it. I think some people use Phalanx with Fook, though?
You wouldn't need to load the PL integration module if you didn't take followers to PL, but.... why not take them anyway, you know? If you must FO3MasterUpdate the PointLookout Integration .esp, the easier thing would be just not to go to the new follower "camp site" (its the only brand new map marker thats near the shore, in fact quite near the ferry). I'd skip going to that place instead of feel stuck with leaving followers out of the PL worldspace.
There's no downsides at all, that I can tell, of skipping MU on the PL Integration .esp.