Congrats, Tarrant, I really think Phalanx should be the standard all other follower mods are judged by, honestly.
In some respects I agree, but there's a point to be made about doing the same job in a different way. I read through another follower overhaul's description once, and it had a different death handling system. It was way better than what the original game came with, but was an approach I wouldn't have chosen for Phalanx. I don't think it had any group-at-once controls etc. but anyway - it wasn't like it was an invalid piece of [censored], or something. Its true that it didn't do some of the jobs Phalanx takes care of, but the things that it did do could have been inserted into Phalanx if someone had really wanted to, and it would have basically worked.
For the record - - my initial suggestion to them was that having the FOOK follower changes/additions ship as a seperate .esp that can be unloaded by the user is a good idea. However, it is the case that they are trying to limit the number of .esp files and, instead prefer it merged. It was not my personal desire to make FOOK be less compatible with someone else's follower overhaul mod, but that is how it will end up with the current plan. It will not be IMPOSSIBLE to use another follower overhaul, but I think that such a mod author may have to make a FOOK-specific version that rips the Phalanx guts out to make it be perfectly clean. Phalanx does too much to be easily overrideable by another overhaul without that sort of operation.