Are you going to make an .esp for followers use of Point Lookout Weapons too?
I have run into the problem that I'm out of room to put new code into the weapon selection script. The GECK's script editor window won't let me put more in. There seems to be a character limit. And, there are weapons that don't fit into any of the script's present classifications, or, which need special handling.
Sure, it's theoretically possible to add a new classification and to write special handling code where needed. That part's straightforward. But my hands are tied when the editor won't accept the characters I try to type.
It would help me out if Bethesda would up the character limit on the script compiler if they patch the public GECK again. But at the same time, it's easy to see where they might be like "oh what-the-hell, what you're doing doesn't belong in a script anyway, god!" And I'd be like, I know... heh... loan me your programmer for a day

I think there are some cases where I will be able to add weapons from DLC to it. There are other cases where my hands will be tied. I think I might be able to get the shotgun from PL into it, for example, but the mid/longrange rifle that takes 10mm ammo has no classification in my system. I don't see how to get that in without adding some code, and it won't let me.
If I had more room, I would do a number of somewhat-small things to the system. I would clean up the handling when a follower happens to have looted a weapon that the script does not want them to use at that time. I would look into how the followers are handling flamers (which are, I think, teammate-damaging weapons) and see if I need to let the MOB AI participate in that weapon choice to an extent. I'd build an array of classifications into it for weapons that don't exist in the vanilla game, which would make it easier to add DLC weapons and custom player-made weapons into the system. Also, I would be able to do more to track and defeat the follower-unable-to-equip-any-weapon bug we get now and then (some sort of inventory glitch in the .exe, I often detect and repair the situation now, but it's not catching it 100%). It's also possible to improve the follower's fight understanding at times when the follower has switched targets. None of these things take much code individually, but the trouble is that I'm really, seriously out of space.