I think I know the answer to these questions... which is "NO!"

1. Does the player have any method of healing a disabled follower outside using Phalanx HQ or the 2 base camps?
If I take a follower to say Point Lookout (or any other DLC) and they get disabled, I'm basically SOL until I can get them back to the Wasteland?
Well, the trip back WORKS, at least. hehe.
A campsite within Point Lookout seems like a nice idea. Maybe I'll put one there when I'm done this thing I'm making right now.
2. Is there a way to leave Phalanx HQ without going through Black Hole? I found the vent shaft that lets me in, but I don't see a way out except through Black Hole.
It's by design that the trip in is fast but the trip out is a run. Even Megaton and Tenpenny make you spend some time travelling. With the base, the trip in + out was admittedly way too long, and that's why I made a fast way into it, to balance it out. That fast way in was originally a one-shot fast-travel directly in, but I had to tear that code out due to follower glitches making them not complete the trip with you now and then. So now, you climb down a ventilation shaft instead. haha.
Everything's eligible for change of course but I'd like to see how that works out in the long course of things.
As an FYI, I found a couple minor issues...
1. In Phalanx and Q HQ Admin Office Bathrooms, the sink is clipping through a bench. Very very minor, but noticable.
hmm... the sink is supposed to be like, it's got a countertop around it. I deliberately stuck it in the middle of that counter looking thing. Was that what you meant? hmmmm.
2. NPC dialog text is progressing a bit quick for the average reader. It would be nice to "click" to progress it and have it automatically progress a bit slower by default. That way the faster readers can click the text to get to the next bit and the slower readers can have time to read it all.
If you're referring to the unvoiced dialogue - - that's a consequence of it being unvoiced. All that stuff scrolls away after 5 seconds. It all auto-adjusts when the voicing goes in. I'm in the very beginning stages of getting those characters voiced, for what it's worth, but it's still a ways off. I don't have any way to make you click to progress on dialogue, that part's hardcoded in the game. I see the fix for this as getting the voicing finished.
I'm enjoying it.

The HQ is cool and BIG. Geez is it big... LOL.
I have yet to meet an evil robot, but I think I've finished the quests.
It should trigger 2 game-days after you load the version that has it, AND, you are somewhere other than the base/black hole/black-hole-entrance for 30 seconds (the quest that kicks that in is on a 30 second timer).
edit for accuracy: In the case of your game, you will need to allow 2 game days to pass. Overall, it's set to happen 2 game-days after you obtain the base and you aren't in the area, etc.