We are now just over the horizon on New Vegas and our little team has been working on the next version of Fo3Edit for the upcoming release of New Vegas. Elminster has been working at it for months actually, porting Fo3Edit into a newer environment/code base and have alot of us do testing. At this point I've tested the new Fo3Edit on Fallout 3 and Oblivion and it worked very well, very fast (same engine works for Fallout3 and Oblivion just by renaming the binary).
JustinOther and I are both hard at work the next big tutorial update, with JustinOther already contributing some Really big ideas on how the next tutorial will be a level-of-magnitude better and more instructive than the Fo3 version. We'll be adding about 30% more tutorial content over the last revision plus an entirely new feature that has me very excited; labs! In addition to have the tutorial as a guide, we'll be offering a set of labs that users can go through to learn some of the more complex tasks that we do in Fo3Edit by actually Doing them on lab plug-ins that we ship with the tutorial. Can't say how many we'll get done in the first release, probably a good sampling so we can get feedback. If there are any labs that You think would be adventagous or that you would like to see done first, that will help focus our time.
At this point we would like to hear from the community regarding the kinds of things you think are missing or could be done better in Fo3Edit. I'm not promising anything of course for delivery of new features as they must first be reviewed by Elminster and approved. But if there are 2 or 3 critical things missing from the tool that could be done better, then I'm confident that we can get them on Elminster's plate (pending his workload of course!). In my experience the best way to get new features added to any tool is to be detailed but concise and to get them in early. We may not see new features for months or even a year, or we may see some new features much sooner, and our best-bet is to get the requirements and suggestions in now.
With that said, if you have a few things that you would like Fo3Edit to do or think it could do better, by all means let us know!
Thanks and cheers,