Here are all the release notes of all TES4View / TES4Edit versions since Jul 6 2007. This covers pretty much all features beyond plain minimal conflict detection and viewing.
Feb 23 2009, 10:46 PM
Version 2.2.0 has been uploaded to TESNexus.
This version contains no major new functionality, but a number of bugfixes. Update is highly recommended.
Dec 27 2008, 10:06 PM
I've just uploaded Version 2.1.0 BETA to
What's new?
- Inplace Editors for Flags, Enums and FormIDs (MAJOR improvement)
- FormID of DIAL, WRLD and CELL records can now be changed
- Adding new DIAL, WRLD and CELL records is possible
- Using the FormID search box now adds a history entry
- When holding SHIFT while double clicking in the detail view editable elements can be edited
- FormID references to any value < 0x800 will no longer result in an error (The game engine defines objects with FormIDs < 0x800 implicitly in code)
- Insert and Delete Key are working in both navigation treeview and detail view (under the same conditions under which Add and Remove is available in the context menu)
- F2 is working on the navigation treeview and opens the "Change FormID" dialog
- Updated function list for CTDAs to include all functions available in CS.
- When setting/resetting the persistent flag on references in exterior cells the record is correctly moved between the main worldspace cell and the appropriate (based on position) grid cell
- Undeleting a record (removing the deleted flag) now copies all values from the master record and (in case of a reference record) correctly moves the record into the correct child group
- New function "Undelete and Disable References" finds all reference records marked as deleted and:
- Undeletes it
- Sets "Initially Disabled" flag
- Sets Z Position to -30000
- Removes Persistent flag if present (this makes sure that the Initially "Initially Disabled" flag and changed Z Position is not overridden by values already stored in the save game. Also makes sure that if the mod is uninstalled the object gets reset to vanilla position and enable state).
- Removes the XESP (Enable Parent) subrecord (this is required to make sure that the "Initially Disabled" flag has any effect)
- Removes the XTEL (Teleport/Door Portal) subrecord (this is required to prevent GECK/CS from complaining about references to non-persistent objects)
- Records in child groups (exterior CELLs in WRLDs, References in CELLs, INFOs in DIALs) now show an additional "virtual" field in the first row which specifies the Record that owns the child group they are contained in. This has 2 functions:
- Records that are moved into a different owner (e.g. a Reference moved from a child worldspace into the parent worldspace) but without any changes to their contents will no longer be classified as "Identical to Master" as this virtual field takes part in normal conflict detection. This prevents problems where such records have been faultily removed by the "Remove "Identical to Master" Records" function
- The virtual field is editable. This allows moving records to a different owner.
- Lots of small changes and enhancements all over the place that I've forgotten to write down
Mar 6 2008, 05:05 PM
Version 1.2.43 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
What's New?
* PluggyLink
** Thanks to OBSE, Pluggy and a great little script that Kyoma has written it is now possible to have TES4View running on one screen while playing on the other (if you have more then one screen) and automatically show you details about whatever you currently have in your crosshair
** You need to have OBSE 14a or newer installed
** You need to have Pluggy v45 or newer installed
** Place the TES4ViewLink.esp in your data folder and activate it, load order doesn't matter
** while the game is running you can use the following keys:
*** P - pauses/unpauses the logging
*** O - when pause, writes a single log entry of whatever you are looking at
*** Shift+O - Asks for a comment which will be stored togehter with the log entry
** the log files are stored in ...\My Documents\My Games\oblivion\Pluggy\User Files\
*** PluggyTES4ViewWorld.csv contains information about whatever is in your crosshair
*** PluggyTES4ViewInventory.csv contains information about all equipped items
*** PluggyTES4ViewSpells.csv contains information about the currently active spell
** When loading TES4View, make sure to load exactly the same mods in the same order as the game engine (which is standard if you just click ok...). After TES4View is fully loaded, right click on the line at the top that identifies the currently selected record. You will get a menu:
*** Reference - the REFR, ACHR or ACRE record that places whatever is in the crosshair in the game world. Automatically falls back to Base Object if the record is a savegame record (FormID starting with FF)
*** Base Object - the record that is referenced by the NAME subrecord of the REFR, ACHR or ACRE record under the crosshair
*** Inventory - the last equipped item
*** Enchantment - the enchantment of the last equipped item
*** Spell - the currently active spell
** With one of these options active, TES4View will automatically update the current record if a new entry is written into the appropriate log file by the script in TES4ViewLink.esp
* updated modgroups
* Fixed the placement and rotation of objects placed through a script
* New script which contains the so far confirmed window placements. Thanks Leandro Conde and DuggeDank !!!
Mar 2 2008, 10:38 AM
Version 1.2.42 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus
* Certain comparisons that should have been case sensitive where case insensitive
* DistantLOD generation for Trees should work better (please give feedback on this!)
* New option when applying filters: "Assign Persistent Worldspace Children to Cell"
** Requires that "Flatten Cell Children" is also active
** sorts the persistent references from the worldspace cell into the individual grid cells
* New menu entry on the navigation treeview: "Check for circular leveled lists".
** Checks all leveled lists for circular references, taking into account the winning records of all currently loaded mods
Feb 24 2008, 03:07 PM
Version 1.2.41 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus
What's new?
- the scripting system introduced in 1.2.40 has been cleaned up
-- should run noticeable faster
-- using the "Apply Script into...." function will now show a selection dialog where one or more scripts can be selected. The available scripts come from 2 sources:
--- In the data path: any file that starts with the same name as one of the loaded modules and has the tes4editscript extension
--- In the program path (where TES4View.exe is): any file with the extension tes4editscript
- When starting the program with the -FixUpPGRD command line switch an additional case is handled: duplicated inter-cell connection entries are filtered.
- The apply filter dialog has 2 new options:
-- Flatten Blocks/Sub-Blocks: hides the 2 nested levels of block and sub-block groups and shows all cells together in the Cell top level group and under Worldspace records
-- Flatten Cell Children: hides the separation of Cell children into persistent/temporary/VWD groups
- Map Marker REFR's now have the Name of the Map Marker in the Name column of the navigation treeview.
Feb 19 2008, 08:53 AM
Version 1.2.38/1.2.39 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
It's contains a fix for the problem described here:
EDIT: There were still some issues left which are now fixed in 1.2.39.
Feb 18 2008, 03:36 PM
Version 1.2.37 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
What's new?
- updated modgroups
- new option on the navigation treeview: "Generate Object LOD":
-- make sure you have exactly the mods loaded that you start the game with and in the same order! If any mods get added/removed or their load order changed you will need to run this function again.
-- select one or more mods, this selection is only used to search through the selected mods for populating the worldspace selection list
-- context menu on the navigation treeview: "Generate Object LOD"
-- select the worldspaces that you want to generate DistantLOD for, it should be no problem to just "select all" (in context menu on the selection dialog)
-- wait till it's done
"Generate Object LOD" will directly create the required .lod files in the Data\DistantLOD folder.
lod data will be generated for all references for which a _far.nif exist. The VWD flag is no longer used!
The generated LOD data will be tailor made for your specific setup. As the .lod files include load order corrected FormIDs you need to regenerate the LOD data every time after you added, removed or changed the load order of any mod.
To best use this feature I recommend the following:
Download either Almost Everything VWD or Almost Everything VWD large. Install the included meshes and textures, but not the DistantLOD folder (it's going to be regenerated by the steps given above).
The difference between the 2 is that the "large" version includes somewhat larger (but still smaller) textures as the normal version. If you have enough VRAM I would recommend the large version.
Feb 17 2008, 09:20 AM
Version 1.2.35 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
What's new?
- Support for BSA archives. Will automatically load the bsa's referenced in oblivion.ini and belonging to any .esp you're loading
- New filter option: "has visible when distant mesh" (which correctly searches through the relevant bsa's and data folder). Together with the normal "Visible When Distant" filter you can now easily see:
-- All REFRs with "Visible When Distant" turned on for which no _far.nif exists
-- All REFRs that are not "Visible When Distant" but for which a _far.nif exists.
- New option in the navitigation treeview context menu: "Set VWD for all REFR with VWD Mesh in this file" This will automatically turn on VWD for all exterior REFRs for which a _far nif exists.
- New option in the navitigation treeview context menu: "Set VWD for all REFR with VWD Mesh as override into...." similar like the one above, but will instead write overriding REFR records into a new file, generating a patch esp.
With that last option you can then do the following:
- start TES4Edit with all your mods loaded like you normally play
- multiselect all files and generate a new VWD.esp which turns on VWD for everything for which you got _far.nif's
- start TESCS, load all your usually active mods + VWD.esp (ignore any errors, we are not going to save any esp's).
- generate the LOD files for whatever worldspace(s) you want
- delete the VWD.esp (no longer required)
- play
Which should give you the maximum possible VWD depending on the _far nif's you have installed. correctly taking into account any addition/delete/movement of references by any of your mods.
Feb 16 2008, 07:57 AM
Version 1.2.34 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
What's new?
- fixed a bug in the new 'Remove "Identical to Master" Records' function that could leave empty cell children groups behind
- greatly extended filter options:
-- by persistence, only keeps either temporary or persistent REFR/ACRE/ACHR records inside CELLs.
--- only possible unnecessary persistent: keeps only persistent REFR which don't need to be persistent
---- only if master is not persistent: further limits it to records that have a master and where the master is not persistent
---- or if it's the master also shows unnecessary persistent records if they don't have a master (but not the ones that have a master which is marked as persistent)
--- only if position/rotation was changed: helps tracking down any moved persistent references. **It's necessary to create scripts updating the position for all of these as the old position might already have been stored in the save game**
-- by Visible When Distant: only keeps REFRs that are VWD / not VWD
-- by Record Signature: only keeps records with specific Signatures, e.g. if you are only interested in conflicting LAND records
-- by Base Record Signature: only keeps REFR/ACRE/ACHR records that reference a record with a specific Signature, e.g. if you want to find all lights that are placed somewhere
-- by Base Record Editor ID: only keeps REFR/ACRE/ACHR records that reference a record which contains the specified text in it's EditorID (e.g. if you are searching for "Rock"'s)
-- by Base Record Name: same as above, just for the Name
Feb 15 2008, 03:34 PM
Version 1.2.33 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus
What's new?
- new option in context menu of navigation treeview: Remove "Identical to Master" records
- EditorID and Name filters are now case insensitive
- new options in context menu of referenced by tab: (Deep) Copy as override/new record into
- solution for the PGRD problem described in this post:;#entry11763738
-- because this significantly increases the time to apply filter if many PGRD records are present it needs to be specifically activate:
-- start TES4Edit with -FixupPGRD as additional parameter
- fixes minor issue with ENCH records where some mods could contain an unexpected FULL subrecord
As always, approach with caution, report all irregularities, keep your backups
Feb 14 2008, 04:41 PM
Version 1.2.32 BETA has just been uploaded to TESNexus.
What's new?
- When applying a filter it's now possible to filter on EditorID and Name
- much better handling when using "Copy as override into" between 2 mods with the same load order (after using "Compare To")
- Visible when distant can be changed for REFR records:
-- via the context menu of the navigation treeview on the left (multiselect is supported)
-- via the context menu on the "referenced by" tab (multiselect is supported)
As always, while the the new functions have been tested, there is always room for something to go wrong. Please keep your eyes open and report any problems.
Feb 9 2008, 12:58 PM
Version 1.2.31 has just been uploaded to TESNexus. For changes see below:
The new version now allows "copy as override into" on all records in the Cell and Worldspace trees.
It also now distinguishes between "copy as override into" and "deep copy as override into". Depending on which specific record you have selected you may get either or both options.
The difference is:
"copy as override into" on a CELL record will just copy that single CELL record
"deep copy as override into" will copy that CELL record and all the LAND, PGRD, REFR, ACRE, ACHR, ... records that might be contained in it's child groups.
(The same applies to WRLD records)
Please test this throughly and let me know if there are any problems!
One great side effect of these changes is that the "cleanup references to injected records" is now working for everything in the Cell and Worldspace tree as well!
That means it's now trivial to completely and properly fix OOO. Specifically, the presence of references to records injected by the esp into the esm in the esm meant that you can't load ooo.esm in TESCS without also loading the ooo.esp or you got a while load of errors thrown at you. That meant it was impossible to edit another esp which depends on ooo.esm in TESCS without loading the ooo.esp as well which messes up the FormIDs written by TESCS into that other esp.
To fix OOO (takes less then 5 minutes) please follow these steps:
* Start TES4Edit with only oblivion.esm, ooo.esm and ooo.esp loaded (right click "select none", then check just ooo.esp, ok... the others will be implicitly loaded)
* apply filter, filter only "by references inject status" and "only references injected"
* you will now see all the records in ooo.esp that contain references to records injected by ooo.esp
** go through the treeview, right click on the records and select "cleanup references to injected records". This will automatically fix the problem by doing a "copy as override into" from the esm to the esp and then removing the parts of the record in the esm which references injected records from the esp.
** outside the Cell tree you can easily just multiselect all the records in each group
There are a couple of AI Package records which are not detected as referencing injected records but which still make a problem when ooo.esm is loaded alone in TESCS. The reason for that is that these records reference REFR records which exist in the esm, but are marked as temporary references and are then overridden by versions in the esp where they are marked as persistent references. The records in question are:
To fix these:
* cancel filter
* Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm \ AI Package \ ... and look at each of these records, for each:
** copy as override into... ooo.esp
** right click on the "location" line for teh esm and select "Remove
** right click on the "conditions" line for the esm and select "Remove"
** right click on the "target" line for the esm and select "Remove"
QUOTE(dev_akm @ Feb 6 2008, 08:36 AM) *
I'd also really like to see more descriptive ref names in cells, especially for LVLC refs. I frequently use TES4Edit to debug spawn-related problem reports and it's not very easy to tell what's going on in a cell with just a ton of generic "Placed Object" entries listed. I usually end up comparing a large group and then scrolling through the list that way, so it would be a huge help if I could see the type of placed object.
The "Name" column in the left hand treeview now shows the name of the referenced base record for REFR, ACHR and ACRE records.
QUOTE(dev_akm @ Feb 6 2008, 08:36 AM) *
Very minor request: is there any way to improve the editing of record flags like "Quest Object" and the NPC/creature bitwise settings?
I can't easily let you edit the record flags currently. But for all other flag fields you can now right click on them, select "Edit" and you get a dialog with checkboxes where you can select the flags you want.
Feb 1 2008, 06:09 AM
Version 1.2.30 has been released on TESNexus.
When started as TES4Edit it implements the "Batch Change Referencing Records" function that Wrye asked for:
(It can be found in the context menu of file nodes in the treeview on the left side.) It hasn't been extensively tested yet, so please let me know if there are any problems with it.
Oct 8 2007, 11:26 AM
1.2.29 BETA has been uploaded which no longer sorts effect subrecords
Sep 26 2007, 06:29 PM
I've just uploaded 1.2.28 BETA which should fix the problem reported here:
QUOTE (Wrye @ Sep 26 2007, 03:52 PM) *
Loading: 00015B93..CreatureHorsePaint..CREA.SNAM..5..
Bash is loading record with formid 00015b93, editor id "CreatureHorsePaint" of type CREA. Specifically, it's looking at the SNAM subrecord which is of length 5 (bytes).
SNAMs for CREA's are faction subrecords. They should be of length 8. The problem is that Tes4Edit is writing them as 5 byte records. The other incident that you cite is similar -- it's the SNAM record for an NPC -- again a faction subrecord, same length problem.
Solution: First trying loading the mod in TESCS and resaving. Hopefully TESCS can read it. If so, it will probably save in the right format.
Second Solution: Bug Elminster. He's even more retired than me, but he'll probably fix a simple bug like this.
FYI, the missing three bytes are (AFAIK) junk bytes. Still, they should be there. They might not be junk -- and besides its best if we (toolmakers) all stick to the same format anyway.
Aug 5 2007, 06:46 PM
1.2.27 has been uploaded.
- ammo spreadsheet should work again
- fixed bug which sometimes caused AVs when deleting records via the context menu of the header in the view tab
- the window for viewing long texts has now scroll bars and is no longer modal
Aug 3 2007, 10:43 PM
1.2.26 BETA has been uploaded
- fix for "Assertion failure (P:\TES4Workbench\Context.pas, line 5826)"
- navigation treeview header has popup menu to control sorting of file nodes
- view treeview popup menu has 2 new options: move up / move down. These are only available for nodes which are contained in an unsorted array (e.g. AI Packages in NPCs). Such nodes can also be moved up/down by holding the CTRL key and pressing up or down.
Jul 22 2007, 06:47 AM
1.2.25 BETA has been uploaded.
!!! This is an important bug fix release !!!
All versions before 1.2.25 sorted AI Packages in CREA and NPC_ records by FormID. As the order of the AI Packages is important (they are evaluated in the given order and the first matching one is used) that can lead to numerous problems. 1.2.25 now shows and saves AI Packages without changing the order.
There are also a few new things:
- on the view tab, fields which contain a reference to an injected record are displayed in italic.
- in the navigation treeview, records which contain any references to injected records are underlined (and now I'm out of ways to change the text style...)
- when filtering it's possible to filter on "by references injected status"
- in the navigation treeview a new option "Cleanup references to injected records" is available if the current record contains references to injected records (multiselect is supported)
"Cleanup references to injected records" first performs a "Copy as override into..." the file from which the injected records originate. Then the parts which reference the injected records are removed/changed in the selected record.
What's all this good for?
If you e.g. try to open CS with OOO.esm as it's currently included in 1.32 RC3 you'll get a whole bunch of error messages because OOO.esm contains records which have references to records that OOO.esp injects into it. With the functions added to TES4Edit it's now possible to clean up OOO.esm to the point where it's possible to use it as master without loading OOO.esp without getting any error messages.
Jul 19 2007, 09:38 PM
1.2.23 has just been uploaded.
- the context menu of the navigation treeview has a new option: "build reachable info"
This will first automatically build the referenced by information for all files and the determines for each record if it's reachable by the player using "normal means". To determine this it starts at all quests which are marked as "start game enabled". These are per definition always reachable. Everything that's referenced from these quest (which includes the chargen quest which contains a script which references the cell where the player is placed at the start of a new game) is reachable and it just continues recursive from there. Everything that's referenced by something reachable is in turn also reachable. It takes correctly into account that if something that's placed in a cell is reachable the cell itself is reachable and everything it contains. If the cell is an exterior cell then it means that the containing worldspace is reachable which means that all contained cells are reachable. Only the most current version of each record is taken into consideration. So e.g. if an active mod has changed a vanila leveled list by removing a creature which was the only way how that specific creature could be placed in a reachable cell then the creature record will now be marked as unreachable.
- once the reachable info has been build unreachable records will be displayed striked out
- reachable state is inherited by parent when filtering (so if a file or group contains any unreachable data it will be shows striked out)
- once the reachable info has been build it's possible to filter by reachable status (conflicts in unreachable records don't really matter).
As the only way to get into a cell without using the console would be following a portal or by being transported using a script and both would require to reference something in that cell the unreachable detection is very reliable. Naturally it's possible to reach pretty much any place by using the console. But everything the reachable detection says it's unreachable should be impossible to reach by normal means from the cell where the character generation leaves the character when a new game is started.
Jul 19 2007, 02:56 PM
1.2.22 has been uploaded.
!!! This is an important bugfix release !!!
1.2.21 and older versions did under certain circumstances not write a terminating #0 for arrays of variable length strings (meaning NIFZ and KFFZ subrecords).
This is not visisble in TES4Edit and such files can without problem be loaded in again by any version of TES4Edit. It could only happen if you actually modified the subrecord (or if it was newly created by using the "Copy as ... " function). When loading such a file in CS and saving it again it is possible for CS to add an additional string with a couple of random chars to the list (and then add the #0 terminator correctly). If that has already happend you can just delete the random string with this new version of TESEdit. From this version on, when a file is saved, all such arrays are checked for the presence of the correct terminator and if required it is added, even for subrecords which weren't explicitly modified. So if CS hasn't mangled the field yet it's enough to resave the files with this new version to fix the issue.
This version also has 2 minor additions:
- if an injected record is modified it's always considered a critical conflict
- in the view tab the column for the record which is currently selected in the navigation treeview is shaded slightly darker
Jul 18 2007, 06:44 PM
1.2.21 has been uploaded.
Only a few changes this time:
- when selecting modules in the first selection list, if you forget to select any masters they will be implicitly added (so e.g. selecting just MMM for FCOM.esp will automatically load Oblivion.esm, Fran.esm, OOO.esm, MMM.esm as well)
- in the view tab, when a row contains references to multiple different records (e.g. the combat style row or script row for NPCs and creatures if different versions of the record assign different combat styles or scripts) you get a new option in the context menu: "compare referenced records in this row". This has the same effect as if you hunted down all the different records in the navigation treeview, selected them all and used "compare selected".
Jul 18 2007, 08:20 AM
I've uploaded 1.2.20 BETA.
This contains an important bugfix for TES4Edit
1.2.19 broke drag'n'drop and the different "copy as .. into" functions for certain types of fields. If you are using TES4Edit I would highly recommend to update.
There is one new function in this:
In the nav treeview and on the view tab header you will get an additional "Hidden" menu entry. This is a toggle, selecting it once and you will see a check mark in front of it, select it again and the check mark is gone again. It's possible to hide single records, whole groups or even whole files this way. The hidden state is inherited from file to group to records (but if e.g. the file is marked as hidden the check mark won't show up if you have just selected a single record in that file, neither can you "unhide" a single record if the file or group it's contained in is hidden).
What are the effects of "hiding" records?
When TES4View determines which records to show in the view tab (and also internally when creating the conflict information visible in the navigation treeview) it follows these steps:
1) get the record master and all overrides and put them in a list by sort order
2) apply all active mod groups, removing records from the list as appropiate
3) while the list has at least 1 entry, starting from the beginning, remove all records which are marked as hidden
The final list is what you will see in the view tab and what is used to generate the conflict information that the colors in the navigation treeview and filtering is based on.
What's it good for?
Suppose you want to compare MMM.esm and MMM for FCOM.esp. You need to have at least Oblivion.esm, Fran.esm and OOO.esm loaded in addtion to these 2 for TES4Edit to start. But you are not interested in any conflicts or differences between the 2 MMM files and the other files. You can simply mark the other files as hidden and can concentrate on comparing the differences between the 2 files you actually want to compare instead.
Jul 17 2007, 06:18 PM
1.2.19 BETA has just been uploaded.
- columns can now be resized down to 5 pixes even when using "Compare Selected"
- the "hide no conflict rows" setting is now remembered between sessions
- on the view tab there is now a new context menu item "Column Widths" with 3 sub items:
* standard
* fit all
* fit text
The setting here is remembered between sessions and is applied when the selected record is changed. If fit all is selected then any resizing of the tab view (e.g. resizing of the application or showing/hiding of the navigation treeview) will update the column widths to always use all available space and keep all records visible.
- while the focus is on the view tab it is possible to navigate through the navigation treeview using ALT + cursor keys. This is also working if the navigation treeview has been hidden.
- when you are on the "Referenced by" tab and navigate between records which are referenced by others the referenced by tab will stay the active tab
- when jumping to a record from the referenced by tab and then using "back" you will end up on the referenced by tab again, not on the view tab
- When multiple records are selected the "Change FormID" function on the navigation treeview will work a bit different. Instead of asking for the new FormID it is asking for the load order number of a file (with the load order of the file that contains the selected records being the standard value). The FormID of all selected records will then be changed to a FormID starting with this load order. New, unused, FormIDs are allocated in the namespace of that particular file. All records that referenced the old FormID are automatically updated. This works very well to change unneccesarily injected records.
- All records which are being injected (having a FormID specifying a different file then the one that contains the record as the one the record belongs to, but there not being a record with that FormID in that file) are now shown with italic text in the navigation treeview.
- it is possible to filter by injection status to see only records which are injected or only records which are not injected
- injection status is inherited together with conflict status when filtering
- when a file node is selected it's possible to "sort masters" or "clean masters"
* "sort masters" will sort the masters in the same order as their global load order (all affected FormIDs in the file are correctly updated)
* "clean masters" will determine if there are any currently listed masters which are never referenced in any way inside the file and remove them from the master list
Jul 16 2007, 07:12 PM
1.2.18 has been uploaded.
- view tab has a new menu item: "Hide no conflict rows". Does exactly what it says (it's a toggle switch, the setting is remembered as you move from record to record)
- column in the view tab can now be resized down to 5 pixels
- left click on the first column (the one with the row titles) header resizes all other columns to fit on the current screen
- rigth click on the first column (the one with the row titles) header resizes all other columns to fit the text they contain (same as double clicking each column separator)
- SHIFT + left click on the first column (the one with the row titles) header resizes all other columns back to the standard width of 200 pixels.
- holding SHIFT while resizing a column applies the same resize to all columns
- right clicking on the splitter between navigation treeview and view tab hides the navigation treeview. clicking on it again (it's now at the left side of the screen) makes the navigation treeview visible again
- the view treeview will now autoscroll during drag'n'drop operations.
Jul 15 2007, 06:16 PM
1.2.16 BETA has just been uploaded.
There are a couple more changes besides the small stuff listed in the posts above:
- you can now save at any time by pressing CTRL + S. The files will be saved as "*.es?.save.yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss". If TES4Edit is normally closed they will be renamed to *.es? and the original file will be renamed to "*.es?.backup.yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss" like it's already happening. If for whatever reason TES4Edit isn't closed correctly you can always rename the .save. file by hand.
- if you have any unsaved changed that are older then 5 minutes you will get a dialog box reminding you that it would be good to save your changes (additional saves create additional files, so you don't need to worry that you can't go back. save often.)
- if you are using "Compare Selected" then in addition to "Remove" you will be offered "Remove from selected records" in the view context menu. "Remove from selected records" is the same is if you would be clicking on each cell in that row and if you have the remove menu item available click it.
- when using "Compare Selected" the text color will now be based on comparisons of cell values against the currently focused record. So as you move the focus between records you can very easily see which other records have the same or different values then the currently focused record.
- in the view and spreadsheet tabs the currently focused row is shaded a bit darker
- in the view tab columns can be resized to optimal width by double clicking on the resize line in the header (that was already and still is working in the spreadsheet tabs)
- as always, whatever else I forgot wink.gif
EDIT: *arg* last change added a bug.. I pulled 1.2.16 and will upload 1.2.17 in a couple of minutes...
EDIT2: ok.. 1.2.17 is up
Jul 14 2007, 06:21 PM
1.2.15 has just been uploaded. It contains numerous important bug fixes in regards to copying records, drag'n'drop, writing files, ... highly recommended update.
- when multiple records are selected in the navigation treeview there is new option on the context menu: compare selected. This will display the selected records side by side.
- when comparing records in that way a double click on the row title in the first column will sort the displayed records by that row
- same function is available via the popup menu entry "sort" in the view tab.
- naturally it's possible to CTRL + click jump to referenced records, the back function restores the comparison view.
- batch editing: when multiple records are selected in the navigation tree view (no matter if compare selected was used or not) it's possible to click on any cell in the view tab and select "copy to selected records". This will copy that field to all selected records (you get a selection dialog where you can remove records from the selection, but by default they are all selected). If the field has sub fields (e.g. you selected a cell in the the "ACBS - Configuration" row for an NPC) then all these fields will be copied (just like drag'n'drop).
Jul 13 2007, 08:08 PM
1.2.13 BETA was just uploaded.
This is a big one. Pretty good chance I've broken something, so keep your eyes open and report anything that's strange.
All these changes should only apply to TES4Edit, not TES4View:
- Oblivion.esm can no longer be edited
- it's not possible to select records to be skipped anymore
- building reference information for all files except oblivion.esm is mandetory and is done by the background loader on startup (oblivion.esm can still be build manually later if you need/want it)
- file nodes have a "add masters" menu item (which correctly updates all FormIDs in the file to take the added master into account)
- file nodes have a "add" submenu allowing adding of missing top level groups (except CELL, WRLD, DIAL)
- top level groups have a "add" submenu allowing adding of new records
- when using drag and drop and the target file is missing required masters it will be offered to automatically add the required masters
- in the view tab, the column headers have a popup menu with
* copy as override into...
* copy as new record into...
* remove
The copy menu items will show a dialog with all files that this record could possibly be added to (taking into account where it already exists and if the required masters can be added to the file or not). It also offers a "new file" option which will ask for a filename and add creates a new plugin file. The "as override" adds the file with a FormID that makes it an override record of the existing one. The "as new record" option will generate a new FormID in the file that the record is copied to. For "as new record" you will be asked for a different EditorID.
These 2 copy options are also available on the left side navigation treeview, including support for multiselect and selecting complete groups. If multiple nodes are selected and/or a group is selected you will be asked for a prefix/suffix for the EditorID instead of a specific EditorID.
If the record is a leveled list (creature, item or spell) you get an additional option: "copy as wrapper into". What this does is best explained by an example:
1 1 Wolf1
1 1 Wolf2
1 1 Wolf3
1 1 LL1Wolfs100New ---> LL1Wolfs100New
1 1 Wolf1
1 1 Wolf2
1 1 Wolf3
- everything I've forgotten once more wink.gif
EDIT: I've just noticed a few small bugs that slipped through and will update 1.2.14 soon
EDIT2: 1.2.14 uploading.. sorry 'bout that
Jul 11 2007, 03:47 PM
1.2.11 BETA is uploaded.
** Contains important fixes to how CELL and PGRD records are written **
The main focus of this version is the Spreadsheet mode.
There are now 3 Spreadsheet tabs:
- Weapon
- Armor
- Ammunition
Now the changes:
- The navigation treeview is hidden while on a spreadsheet tab
- The file selection dialog when first selecting one of these tabs remembers the last selection now.
- If you switch to another tab and back you don't get the file selection dialog again, but there is a context menu on the spreadsheet tree where you can select "rebuild" to get the file selection dialog again
- Spreadsheet shows Enchantment if any
- holding SHIFT while moving the mouse over a field which is only partially visible will show a tooltip with the full text
- holding CTRL while moving the mouse over a field which links somewhere (the FormID or Enchantment columns) will show the text in that cell as hyperlink, clicking on it goes to that record. Getting back to the spreadsheet tab is easy via the Back button in the upper right corner or via the back button on your mouse (if you have one with 5 buttons)
- drag'n'drop is now supported
- incremental search is now supported (searches in the currently focused column, simply start typing)
- text in numeric columns is properly right aligned
EDIT: oops... just uploaded 1.2.12... there was a bunch of debug code left that shouldn't have been there...
Jul 10 2007, 07:57 PM
1.2.10 BETA has been uploaded.
It includes the spreadsheet mode that dev_akm asked for:
- wait till the background loader is finished
- click on the spreadsheet tab
- select which modules should be represented there
- edit as much as you wish
right now it's hardcoded for weapons and a specific set of columns... I'll make that configurable in the future
EDIT: oh.. and the error message if the load order is wrong has been improved
Jul 10 2007, 04:04 PM
1.2.9 BETA has just been uploaded, this is mainly a bug fix release.
- lots of small fixes to how field values are read and written
- deleting records with empty child groups will correctly delete the group
- on writing the record count in the header is correctly updated
But there are also a couple of small additions:
- navigation treeview allows multi select for "Remove".
- referenced by list allows double click to directly jump to that record
- context menu for file nodes in the navigation list has a "compare to" entry.
How does the Compare To function work?
The selected file:
- can not yet have been loaded
- is loaded with the same load order as the file you are comparing to
- has the file you are comparing to added to it's master list.
By adding (just in memory) the first file to the master list of the 2nd all the FormIDs in the 2nd file which would normally indicate that a record is a new record in that file is now interpreted as a record that overrides a master record in the first file.
That's it.
Jul 8 2007, 11:08 AM
Version 1.2.8 BETA has just been uploaded.
For TES4Edit/TES4View there is just one small fix: Flags are now correctly aligned.
Big news is: There is a 3rd mode now. TES4Trans. Just rename the exe to TES4Trans.exe to get there.
In TES4Trans mode only translateable fields are shown and editing is limited to just editing (no adding, no removing) existing translateable string fields. This makes it very easy to take a mod and translate it into another language. Also, all cases where the mod should contain records from Oblivion.esm where translateable strings are different (e.g. mod was created with a German version of Oblivion, all the cell names will be in german in that mod) will now show up as overrides and can be quickly fixed.
EDIT: There is also a new conflict classification (only of interest in translation mode) "Not Defined". With that you can filter out (or see) all records which could contain a translateable string but don't.
Jul 7 2007, 06:11 PM
1.2.7 has just been uploaded.
What's new?
- couple of bug fixes here and there
- TES4Edit can remove complete records (needs testing)
- quite a few usability enhancements:
* navigation treeview allows incremental search (just try to type the name of one of the files to see what I mean)
* navigation treeview will automatically use space in following columns if they are empty (you should see the effect quite well directly after load already, the file names are no longer cut off)
* for any text that still gets cut off there are tool tips available (just move the mouse over a cut off text to see the effect)
* at the top of the window the full path to the currently selected node is displayed. No more searching through the treeview to figure out in which worldspace / block / sub-block / cell /... you currently are
* view treeview also supports tooltips for cut off text, only active while you hold down the shift key (to prevent interfering with drag'n'drop and the next function)
* "follow reference". Suppose you are looking at a creature record and you see that 3 different mods set 3 different scripts for this creature. You could either write down the FormIDs and then go hunting around to track down the 3 scripts. Or you can hold down the Ctrl key and click on the first and be directly taken there. When you are done looking you can simply click on the "go back" button at upper right corner of the window. Or if you have a mouse with 5 buttons the first extra button will do the "go back" (it's the one that with microsoft mice are usually mapped to "go back" in your web browser).
- whatever else I forgot about already
Jul 6 2007, 08:34 PM
I've just uploaded 1.2.6 BETA. Given the huge amount of internal changes I've done I need some feedback if I've broken anything essential.
Visible changes are:
- more conflict categories
- changed order of conflict categories
- View window uses a lighter shaded background to indicate fields that are not contained in that module (as opposed to fields which just have an empty string as text)
- memory usage should be better optimized
- filtering might be faster (or not, need feedback here!)
- building reference information should be a lot faster and is now done via it's own menu entry with possibility to select which mods to include
- everything else I forgot.. have a look around
TES4View is also TES4Edit!
Start it with -edit as parameter or just rename the exe to TES4Edit.exe to get TES4Edit.
TES4Edit is far from finished, but you can have a look at what's there already. Mainly that's the ability to edit existing records in any way imaginable.
Editing is done using:
- context menu: Add/Remove/Edit (menu items depend on which node you are on)
- F2 on a field or slow(!) double click
- drag'n'drop (that's really slick)
You don't have to worry that it will mess up your files. TES4Edit never ever opens existing files in write mode. All changes are kept in memory. When you close it you will get a list of changed files and can select which ones to save.
Saving works like this:
1) save new file, e.g.
2) rename existing file to (e.g.) test.esp.backup.yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss
3) rename to test.esp and set the same file date/time that the original test.esp had
so it's absolutely impossible that TES4Edit overwrites your existing files, they are never ever opened in write mode. Worst case if the first 2 steps succeed and the 3rd rename fails you'll have to rename the backup back by hand.