Its going to be there apparently
Only question is what will the fans get out of them being there.
Its going to be there apparently
Only question is what will the fans get out of them being there.
Bump back to life as gamescoM
Starts tomorrow.
Welp looks like more exclusive content at gamescom
Went googling for a date and a time, only to find several reddit posts and a MrMatty vids showing twitter posts from Pete Hines saying that the content at quake con .
Screencaps are in the vid, regardless of how you feel about youtubers and this youtubers in general, this screen-shot is pretty concrete evedince.
I am become sad.
Well, I guess we'll get more secondhand info from the journalists who were there. Maybe they'll release the Quakecon footage while Gamescom is running, just to throw us a bone. Pete Hines did confirm that we'll see the footage for Gamescom and Quakecon go public before the game launches, though, so there's that.
On the bright side, if it's exclusive footage, it's probably new footage too. So we'll get more information. Would be disappointing if all the articles about it were just a recap of what they saw at Quakecon. Maybe they'll reveal another companion?
2 things:
1: Pete posted a picture of a cosy little couch/booth where he will be doing interviews; mentioning his schedule is so packed he may as well sleep on that couch. We will for sure see all kinds of articles, etc from gamescom. Hopefully Bethesda will show some new stuff so journalists have real content to talk about, not just rehashed stuff from Quakecon/E3. Any news is good news, though IMO, even if we don't get to see it first hand.
2. He Only said that they will be showing info and videos up until the games release. He never actually said the content from QuakeCon OR Gamescom would be uploaded. It very well could be, but all he said was "Info and Videos." PR is quite often intentionally Vague, and in that we can NEVER guarantee anything unless they specifically say the words.
Wait, we might not get any footage from gamescom?
Well this is certainly a turn of events.
If their recording it like they did with quakecon then theres a good chance they will release the footage at some point other wise whats the point?
To release a Q and A video like with Quakecon?
Studios often record stuff like that for internal Review purposes.
In an interview, Pete actually mentioned that a lot of the Stuff at Quakecon was re-purposed footage recorded for the team internally, Which is my guess as to why it is mostly exclusive.
Even still second hand info is better than no info, but reporters will rarely catch the nuanced things in the footage, and more aptly don't get the chance to rewatch it to try and catch anything.
Yea I wouldn't take Mr. Matty's word as fact..... best to wait and see.
My interest is slowly draining with all these "exclusive" showings of their game. I want to see something or at least get some official description not read more second hand journalist crap.
I imagine they will reuse bits and pieces of it, but we will never see the whole thing. That's just my prediction, though.
I wouldn't take his word at all. His videos are terrible re-hashes of information taken from these forums and other channels. I'm surprised he hasn't uploaded a video today saying "GAMESCOM SECRETS FALLOUT 4 OH LORD HERE OMG HYPE"
So where would be the best place to get info. Anyone twitch the show?
It was the same Quakecon with Todd, pre-recorded, talking about the features from Quakecon.
edit: Video explanation of the demo
So Fallout 4 is just a Fallout 3 clone with better graphics? At least according to VG.
Yea, crappy article, but least we know there wasn't anything new.
"But then you notice that things like the computer terminals from Fallout 3 look exactly the same here"
Why would computer terminals look different? They were made by the same company at the same time and were standard [censored] issue. Why should they change them just to please some weird need the article author clearly has?
The author even admits they had very little time to view things with very little explanations from developers yet he is ready to blanket the entire game of Fallout 4 to be the same as Fallout 3? From 15 minutes of gameplay? [censored] off. This is why I would never usually read VG. They have some of the worst video game journalists around that only look for grabby titles. His whole basis of the Fallout 3 comparison was a single computer terminal. He really should not be in his profession.
"After sitting through a 15 minute extended (edited) gameplay video of the game today at Gamescom, we can report it looks exactly the same as Fallout 3, for good and bad."
Sigh. It's a bit annoying that we don't get to see any of this stuff and have to rely on what some video game journalist says. From the E3 demo alone it is perfectly clear that it looks nothing like Fallout 3. I've been replaying the vanilla Fallout 3 these last few weeks and the difference is enormous. Visuals aren't Bethesda's main focus but every game looks much better than the last. Oblivion looks much better than Morrowind, Fallout 3 looks much better than Oblivion, Skyrim looks much better than Fallout 3, and Fallout 4 looks much better than Skyrim. From the trailer and demo the only visuals I'm not terribly impressed by are the pre-war segments. Post-war looks beautiful and it's a safe bet that post-war will be 99.9% of the game.
But some journalist who has played Fallout 3 for a few hours back in 2008 probably knows better. It's funny how he calls himself a "Fallout 3 fan boy" and then a few lines later he says this:
"When it’s all kicking off Fallout 4 looks more intense than I remember Fallout 3 being, but that may have been because I relied on the VATS system significantly during my three playthroughs of the previous game."
Only three VATS-heavy playthroughs does not make one a "fan boy" but I'm happy to see Fallout 4 looks more intense than the guy "remembers Fallout 3 being".
What a joke.