So... yeah, the "Fallout 1 was like this and Fallout 3 was like this" thing has been going for nigh on 8 years now. It's not going to end. Ever.
I mean, since Fallout 3 came out I've married, had a child, moved 4 times, and held about half a dozen jobs - the one constant in my life (apparently) is that people still like to play compare and contrast with the Fallout games. I try to kind of keep out of them, to be honest (because, 8 years of talking about it...) but every once in a while I get the urge to weigh in again. 
My latest pet anology (and if you haven't noticed by now, you're not allowed in the Fallout Versus Club if you don't have an anology) is Batman.
It's late, and I won't even bother trying to count them off the top of my head, but there's been quite a lot of Batman movies by now. And they're all fairly different takes on the same character and setting. And that's not even getting into all the TV shows, animated movies, and oh yeah - all the different Batmans (Batmen?) from the comics.
Me, I grew up with the Tim Burton Batman. Loved that movie (and I still maintain that's one of the best movie soundtracks ever.) Batman Returns was pretty good too, but didn't quite strike lightning in a bottle like the first film managed to. So, if I liked Tim Burton's Batman then what I would have wanted in the next Batman movie would be something kind of like that. Instead we end up with Joel Schumacher's Batman.
Not what I wanted. Just did not like those movies. I like Batman - he's one of my favorite superheroes. I went to school to learn how to make comic books in part because of Batman. But I did not like Batman Forever or Batman & Robin. This does not mean I dislike anything that's not Tim Burton's vision of Batman (and if we really want to get down to it, "my" Batman is always going to be from the Animated Series.) Just that I didn't particularly like that instance of the character. I very much enjoyed Christopher Nolan's Batman, for example.
Fallout is... well, as far as I see it it's the exact same thing. I was in High School when Fallout 1 came out and instantly fell in love. I dropped a class in College when Fallout 2 came out. If you travel back in time to 2001 and ask me what I want from a Fallout 3 game my answer is not going to be what Bethesda came out with. This doesn't mean I dislike anything that doesn't fit my definition for the series - just that I have my particular tastes.
Now I happened to luck out - if Fallout 1 and 2 were Tim Burton's Batman to me, then Bethesda's Fallout is more like Christopher Nolan's Batman than Schumacher's. For other people, it's going to be the opposite.
I don't know - I think it's just that simple. Some people have loved every Batman movie that's ever been made, and others haven't. A lot of it depends on what you grew up with, I'd imagine. Bethesda has their own take on the series (I still think it's unfortunate they went with Fallout 3 and not something else, but that's kind of in-line with Todd Howard's... particular view on what a sequel is "supposed" to be.) It's just different from Interplay/Black Isle's original take on it.